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Dec 2024

So, when i make my comics, i start by making them in a traditional format for sites like Comicfury, but for Tapas and Webtoon, I make a separate version of the page in a vertical webtoon style format, in order to appeal for that audience. The problem is that since my method is cropping each panel from the tradional format page and pasting them into the vertical format, it really messes with the quality of the panel making them look more pixel-ly and It just not as good as they should be,

When people read my comic, I want to ensure that it's in the best quality possible, so in order to save me a headache from all that, plus not having to worry about making a seperate scroll version of all my pages, should I change all of my previous uploaded pages back to their traditional comic format rather than the vertical format? How badly would that hurt the comic's viewership? And do you guys mind reading traditional style comics on here?

  • Keep the verical fromat!
  • I don't mind Traditional format.


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  • created

    Dec '24
  • last reply

    Dec '24
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I honestly prefer the phone scrolling format. Used to do traditional format but ever since I did phone scrolling format, I seemed to have gotten more readers that way. I dunno.

Maybe do a poll on what format more people prefer

I do it like this;

And stack the pages on NaimComi and Tapas and run them as a post. Comic Fury is broken up a page per day.

I do it like this because I find it the most satisfying way to draw. You should also draw the way you find the most satisfying way to draw.

That's exactly how I originally wanted to do it before I realized that traditional format webcomics don't do as well on here. It's just the way I read and drew comics growing up. just keeping it old school!

Personally I prefer the traditional layout. I kinda despise the vertical scroll, mobile layout. But know that I am in the minority of a webcomic user base in that regard. If you're motivated by what "performs" best, and not your own artistic choice, then yeah, ya gotta go vertical scroll.

Though that being said, using vertical scroll is but one of many, many factors of what helps your comic perform well or not.

The problem I always see is there are both completely different formats that don't really work if converted back and form. Traditional comic format works very well if you have a tablet, where zooming in is not a problem to read it. The pacing and comic layout for traditional comics doesn't get cut up well for scrolling. Same goes the other way. I would say do one type and then stick to it. Whatever type you do will be better than doing on superior type and one inferior type.

While you can pry traditional format out of my cold dead hands, it's definitely true that scroll format is more popular here, so I'd be wary about converting an existing scroll comic back into traditional format. Might lose some existing readers that way.

But if you really don't like the results of rearranging your panels vertically, then yeah I'd probably just stick with what makes you happy.

Tapas readers also dedicate their eyeballs to a million variations on the same fucking princess comic. Unless you plan to dedicate to yourself to that level of pandering you shouldn't worry about the bad taste of the mob and keep working for the people who appreciate what you do.

I don't think this is a traditional/phone format thing. It's a "webtoon and tapas have jpeg pixel limitations" thing. Changing the format of traditional page comics to a phone scroll shouldn't inherently pixelate your drawing, something's up.

As someone who posts traditional mainly because I can't be bothered to copy and paste each page to a scroll format (I could, but it would take 30mins each time and on tapas I actually post page by page so it's a moot point anyway), I don't think you have to change to scroll, but I can admit that my tradi format looks kind of ugly in scroll. My only saving grace is most of the time the pages are kind of separated with their borders.

However like I said, if you have your pages and you're copy pasting your vignettes to a seperate scroll document, the only reason they'd be pixelated is if your scroll format document is immediately in tapas size, like 700px wide or something, where your work page should be over 1200px wide just to be able to work on it. If you copy paste to a high res scroll format it shouldn't pixelate, and tapas and webtoon being what they are, you can't get around the slight pixelation that'll happen when you upload, it'll do the same for your tradi pages.

That's actually a selling-point of my comic book and my patreon and why I leave my comic up for free despite the book being out: my drawing style is very detailed and the print quality is so much better that you're paying to see the images in HD, on paper or on screen.