20 / 45
Mar 2021

So, those of you who know my comic, know that I draw in a very traditionally European (Franco Belgian) style and I'd just love to find some more comics that are more cartoony and animated (as in, dynamic, not like animation.)

If you make comics in a more cartoony style please post them here so I can check them out! :>

I prefer longer format comics (not rly into gag strips comics) and I would love to find cartoony comics that are aimed at adult :> that being said, even if you make newspaper strip comic format or make comics aimed at a younger audience, as long as its cartoony, please post it!

If you draw manga/anime style, please don't post here :> I'm sure your comic is good and well drawn, but I want to see some other styles with this thread!

My own comic is here for anyone wondering, I draw in a very euro way :>

  • created

    Mar '21
  • last reply

    Apr '21
  • 44


  • 1.9k


  • 37


  • 19


  • 50


Here is my comic, which has a cartoonish style

Not my own, but this one is a lot of fun and more cartoony:

Mines a manga series, does that count as cartoony? :grin:

This is what happens when you put Schulz and Herge into a blender and then pour out the resulting slurry into cat-shaped containers.

My visual style is very 'Saturday morning cartoons' in some ways. All feedback appreciated!

Ahaha I always get compared to hergé and its getting so tiring, I'm glad someone is giving him the love his art style deserves! (also your art is cute)

I mentioned in the post that I'd prefer to see some non anime/manga comics, since tapas is so over saturated with them :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: but it's okay

My time has come. Cartoony as hell style. The 90's and early 2000's never ended

Even though folks call my style "cartoon-y", I think you'd consider it too "anime-y", so I won't share mine here. (There's no pleasing anyone with comics is there, aha.)
But, I have some comic recs for here on Tapas I think might appeal to you!

Hope you find something new to enjoy! Good luck!

I've been told once or twice that my comic has a "Saturday-morning cartoon" look to it.

If you want cartoony style, then come and check out my weekly Sunday series. It's got plenty of cartoony humor and style to it at the same time! :smiley:

Here's my Fantasy Romance

My style is TOTALLY cartoony! I've been waiting for someone that loves my type of art for a long time. I love anime style, but hooray!

I do have a cartoony style... Does it count? XD

Hi! Check out mine as well.

Hello I don't like drawing people so everyone is furries :cry_swag:

Hi new at this lol. somewhat cartoony/comic book style

Like to think my comic's got a pretty cartoony style! Influenced primarily by the western thick-line animation I grew up on.

I would say my style is a bit cartoony

And so is the thought of ADVENTURE! lol its also got some comedy and action to it

Mine is a cartoon style combined with some anime elements.

Going to for sure take a look at everyone's comics here!

A lot of my art style is pretty influenced by 90s and early 2000s cartoons. I have a lot of fun with that type of stylization.

Omg thank you dude!!! I love your style too. It's really loose and you use textures really well!

I make a cartoony comic called Hermswood Manor. We're just getting started and we could use some support! ^^

Hey everyone here is my comics that i update every friday.

I hope you will like it

What could be more cartoony than talking animals?! Especially, when those animals are bird brains. :sweat_02:

My comic has a cartoony style that I use to bring levity to some of the more serious plot lines that happen in it.


Its also being released in Spanish!

My comic is in a cartoon style and I know can't really draw anime, so I think my comic can be placed here.