4 / 35
Jul 2024

Send cute or funny pics of your pets, and tell us their names! I’ll go first: This is my teenage ball Python who stole my coffee cup. She is the sweetest lil baby.
(I have 11 other pets, but I’m not gonna post photos of them all lol.)

This is my kitten Ashi. Sadly, she died of old age last year.

The closest thing I’ve ever had to a pet is my little brother. He’s like a cat in a human body. He’s just got a pretty cat-like personality, and he also loves cats.

Idk what mood she is expressing but I feel it so much. Shoutout Layla, little silly goober. 11/10 good puppy.

What mood is she expressing?

All the moods!

In reality, she had just woke up. She’d probably kill me if she knew that I had posted this.

Just so I don’t get accused of favouring her, here are Stewie (Himalayan) and Olivia (tuxedo) in a rare moment of getting along

This is my dog Dash! He loves rolling around on our warm pool cover.

Cute snake!! :snake:

This is my hamster Kiwi. He is a little skittish but I love him very much

Your cats are beautiful wow! I have 3 ragdolls and the fluffy one reminds me of my oldest

This is my lovely anxious old man cat with dwarfism and separation anxiety.

Omg he’s lovely- here’s my hamster shaped mouse. What’s Kiwi’s Favorite treat? My mice love peanuts.

(This pic really doesn’t do her Justice, she’s obese and on a weight loss plan…)

@ThunderChicken Olivia and my Pokeberry look like sisters! XD Your cats are adorable <3

And here's my other sweet girl, Sketch:

Omg Sketch is a whole mood… she seems to have the same energy as my kitten!

Hahahaha XD What a cute face, what's your kitten's name?

Ok don’t judge me too hard for this…
Nugget. Kitten Nugget. Most of my pets have names just as dumb.

No no, that's so cute and creative I love it! Kitten Nugget! <3 And who am I to judge, I had a cat named Boy ^^

I have a gecko called Mr. Sir, maybe he’s the final evolution of Boy?

I like weird names for pets. I had a cat named Milquetoast...

...One named Cigarette that used to sleep in the sink at the cottage...

...One named Igor because he was a really ugly kitten (he grew up to be an enormous cat, weighed 28 pounds and was not fat):

...One named Murphy (Murphy was a female cat named after the TV character Murphy Brown and lived to be 20 years old, shown here on the bed with a much larger Igor)

...One named Stinky Pete because his kitten farts could strip paint (he was another big cat, at 22 pounds):

...One named Pickles (she was Igor's older sister and was a tiny cat):

And one named Gammy Num-Nums. Gammy Num-Nums was a stray that came into my apartment and had kittens in my closet. She was Igor and Pickles' mother.