302 / 331
Feb 8

Oh yeah! They kiss!

Harry is staying after school for track meet and Elsie has to go home. She has a lot of homework to do.

I've got arts and I am in cloud nine :smiley: Lorian got some shadowed depictions :sunny:

I really need more Tiyan arts...

:@Lorian Happi new year my friend :tada: Yep totally can see why you're on cloud9 these arts came out so cool
Love the green and black theme of the 1st, and he looking so powerful and hunky, been trying to get better at painting dark smoke myself so admiring away.
The mischievous look and ornate details n the 2nd is awesome too
And true hopefully we see more Tiyan eventually too :smiley:

@abigaillmartin Lol lucky he didnt get the nickname WAM instead XD
and sure.... Track meet and homework.. they seem too busy smoochin here :joy:

@Leyelle Yep going good so far, hope yours is too :smiley: :thumbsup:

@ThunderChicken proud to have received :tada::grinning:
Nice seeing the steam, cool tile work with the bits of colored flakes, and that shower looks big so both of them could fit :thumbsup: :shower:
and compression and shrinkage, yea don't remind me, same, always having to work around that 'Image too large" warning on here expecially for the .gif files :joy:

@binahwrites nice to meet you and your guys lookin stylish and nice details on their designs :sunglasses: Is Hlgen a fist fighter? Getting that vibe from him with the gloves, usually my fave class in Jrpgs like FF etc
Nice magic effects on Yun and cool staff design on Ozwald too. Hope to see more of your boys here :thumbsup:

here's a flashback one, had slowed down a bit doing anything outside current webcomic episode,
forgot if i ever posted this one here. Did it for one of those challenge things on Deviant Art and used Issandro from Sickboy

and another WIP for Quim to eventually go on the Webcomic's Cover Banner (all the characters there doing thumbs up) Tried to run cloth simulation on that kite string a few times but it keeps looking stiff like wire so I might just settle with the string being lively since the kite behaves 'almost alive/ can float on its own', similar to Owen's Camcorder :joy:

Lol Yes! And yes, Cly is one of the few people who can make Amrit blush. :grin:

I figured that this guy might belong here. Alphonse Caviella, a minor character, and the protagonist’s younger brother. His design is heavily based on Astolfo from the Fate franchise but with mensur scars.

In preparation for another Brothers Houdini storyline for the Elsie universe here is Theodore Hardeen (Houdini’s little brother) being his security guard!

fangirls screaming

puts his early 1900s sunglasses back on

And yes they did have sunglasses

Will wrte back soon (hopefully tomorrow) hope yall havin a good weekend!
Bump for mor hunks! We know you ppl on the forums have hunky ocs :stuck_out_tongue:

I made some high grade ikemen as throwaway characters for a future chapter. In context they meant to represent the peak military male performance.

@SwordSong got to check out Immortal and Vagabond - lol i completely forgot about Samurai Warriors used to play that and dynasty warriors back in tge day, thanks to that game anytime i hear Akechi Mitsuhide or read his name in anything Japanese history related, i always think of a handsome youthful guy with long flowing hair 🤣
True, and saw Korean dramas use him as a villian role bec of he was involved in invasion of Korea i guessing.
Also reminds me of Amakusa who also had a villian-ish role in kenshin and ninja scroll series.
Interesting you also have merchant ancestry? Thats awesome you found a connection with him and fun to see how it comes along​:+1:
True he would have been the minority and misunderstood at the time and yep youre right they were rigid with rules too, i rem at one point they locked off outsiders, on the flipside, they managed to keep lots of their rich culture intact.

Nice look forward to your versions of these Korran officers and Hideyoshi.
Random memory: if i remember Hideyoshi was responsible for Mitsuhide defeat, but i forget.

I haven't actually read Vagabond myself (it revolves around Musashi Miyamoto, and is by the same author/artist who made Slam Dunk); I collected several of the cover art and several scanned pages to use as drawing reference, but I'm wary of actually jumping into it because it's currently on hiatus and I'd rather not start a series that might not actually finish :sweat_smile:

what I mean by having merchant ancestry is that my family do business. I'm actually starting to get into the business stuff myself after a decade of trying to dodge the task (which is why I haven't been able to work on my creative projects too much, unfortunately)

I did manage to finish 1 an old wip illustration for Yukinaga after months of distraction & procrastination, although it's a weird historical crossover pic instead of anything related to the story:

He looks so happy in this pic, which i's a rarity XD

In-universe Lars is considered a pretty boy to the point where he was considered the "36th Sexiest Swede" in a magazine.
At heart he's just a nerd who prefers to spend his time in his room producing SICK BEATS.

I can only draw them pretty :sweat_smile:
His name is Elian and he likes fluffy, cute creatures.

Hi, sorry, I know that this thread is not for this, but I just wanted for people to know that I like your boys so much that I am doing a couple of fan arts of them, based on vibes alone. Mostly lineart really. I need to practice and this is an excellent excuse.

Anyway, here is @LavenderLeavened and @Oriflamme OC's.
I will be doing a couple of more, depending on my time, so please people keep submitting your boys! I will be posting them in bluesky -because I don't want to hijack this thread with my posts-


@Aleksei You can hijack this thread with your posts anytime, awesome lineart and look forward to more :wink::+1::tada:

Sorry everyone i took so long to respond and happi march!! And you know the drill keep posting these hunks, and can't wait to take in everyone's posts :art:
Hopefully this weekend :tada:

Here's one of Xun with his hair out, his hair's usually hidden in his hat, he about to debut in upcoming episode

Well, if I have permission then here we have what I have done this week =D

@abigaillmartin's Theodore Hardeen,
@grozalyn's Gaius
@IzzyBloom91's Xepholen
@LouisWinter's Rhet, and,
@stiatent's Evan Moriarty

You people have some great characters here. I find myself looking back and fort for a chara that I might have missed.
Anyway, thanks for letting me post this things here, @stiatent! I will try to don't flood the thread!

OMG YES! Hardeen our queen!

Here he is

And the short king himself Houdini!

And here’s the real Hardeen and Houdini.

Absolutely the first American heartthrobs of the turn of the century! :blush::heart:

Such icons!