1 / 43
Oct 2024

Most stories gotta have some kind of antagonist. What would be yours? Show it here and describe what brand of evil they are :imp: Or if your protagonist is the evil one...guess show us what brand of goody two shoes they are? :sweat_02: And drop your comic link while you're at it~

In my current arc, the villain of my comic is Kursenima Siten. A high priestess who turned against her god and her people due to her greed for power and delusions of grandeur. Now, she puppets corpses to play a show of being loyal followers to her so-called "godhood".

  • created

    Oct '24
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    Jan 9
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My story's villain is Ethelred! He's a necromancer who decided to betray his student by using him as a sacrifice to extend his life. And he would have gotten away with it too it if weren't for those medd--oh wait not, his student just managed to get away, lol. Cassian, his student, ran away and only got a part of his life stolen, so now Ethelred's after him and the magic staff Cassian took. He needs them both complete the spell to extend his own life. Only Cassian kinda broke the staff and scattered the pieces.

Ethelred uses really morbid methods to go after Cassian, like making copies of himself using corpses, or just plain old corpse-puppets. He also brings people back from the dead. That kinda thing. Basically, he's willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to get his way and even use good 'ol emotional/mental torture.

Here's Ethelred. He's the creepy guy in the bone mask lurking ominously in the back.

Also, really love the art you have of Kursenima! The coloring on the first one is really nice and she looks cool in the second.

So cool! The backstory he has with his student is really interesting too

I'm just happy I get the chance to do a dramatic face reveal because he's always wearing a mask, lol. Just noticed Kursenima's shoes also have the butterfly motif going and the design is so good! :cry_02:

His name is Amadeus, the antagonist/villain, the leader of the alien organization who just recruits the young/gifted people of earth to teach them the fine arts of gravity (space and time manipulation). He acts very friendly towards everyone, but we can see hes passive aggresive with one of the MCs who struggles to keep everyone pace since shes not that talented (he detests incompetence).

He knows what to say every single time in such an endering way. For some reason every one thinks hes charming despite his appearance...

The main villain of Niji Chikara is Masked Malice! Described as the villain of secrecy, they say he hides behind a mask so that he can do whatever he wants without consequences... with "whatever he wants" being to use is explosive powers to wreak havoc. But is that actually what he wants, or is there a more powerful evil telling him what to do...?

Season 1 sickboy currently has two contenders for main villain:

Here's a scene where both of these 2 potential antagonists cross paths for the 1st time:

1) FPS GUY - this mystery gunman seen in 1st person (like the character in a 1st person shooter). Nothing significant is revealed about him yet but he's also a carrier of the outbreak just like the 2 MCs (brothers Evan and Owen) and displays teleportation ability. However, he appears to be an opportunist sadist who enjoys testing the limits of his condition on hapless civilians. His handcuffs and orange sleeves hint that he might have been a prisoner. He's uber pleasant when committing the most heinous acts which makes him even creepier.

2) Giant Puke Monster!- This mass was born when Evan had the urge to puke after hearing an Eerie HUM (just b4 all hell broke loose). Evan's puke has been continuously evolving destroying towns and lifeforms in its path (including the MCs hometown). The creature's intelligence level and true intention is unknown at the moment but Evan believes he has a chance at destroying the creature. Let's hope he's right because this creature is rapidly evolving and this nationwide threat would soon become Earths!

It´s hard to say who is a villain / antagonists when the characters all do bad things.
Regina does vicious things but in her mind she is doing the morally right thing,
so I´ll pick her as one of the main villains.

She is based on a lady I met on a 7 hours bus ride from Berlin to my hometown,
so I had enough time to study her. I like turning real life people into comic book characters.
Especially people who pissed me off

Here is her character sheet

I have yet to redraw her but here we go. This is Arista, A tree being (dryad) and the oldest creature on planet earth, creator of every other living thing. She used to be benevolent, but recently as she's been losing power throughout the centuries she's become rather...toxic...

Thank you for this thread! Super interesting topic. :grin:
Your villainess looks beautiful. Love her design with the flowers and butterflies. :+1: What a great contrast to her behaviour, playing with corpses to get the attention/ followers she wants. :sweat_smile: (If I got that right.)

Oooh, another one who likes to have dead people around! And who has no problem with killing even those who trust him, it seems, to lengthen his life. That's definitely a bad guy. :sweat_smile:
The mask really adds to his mysterium!

Huh, acting nice, but being mean on the inside? Classic take, like it! :smiley:

Masks and riddles! So, it's not that clear if he's really the bad guy, even though acting chaotic/ harmful? :hushed: Interesting!

Ouch, two really bad threats! Wouldn't know if I'd prefer to encounter the sadist or the monster. :sweat_smile: Well, I'd rather stay away from both.

Urgh, villains who you could actually meet in real life scare me the most. :sweat_smile: Everyone knows these kind of persons, feeling rightful without any doubt, doing/ saying the ugliest things. Yeah, think she's a great main villain. :wink:

Ooooh, like that! Understandable, I think, to become frustrated, even bitter, when you created, well, life, but then all is turning against you. Awesome take!

Now me. :wink:
When it comes to my own story, it's a bit hard to say who is the villain. One of my main characters is a demon, doing really bad things. Still, he's not the main villain, cause in a way he's just like the other demons and does what it takes to survive (well, mostly).
So the Lord of Hell would be an obvious choice... But since He's satisfied with primarily watching His creations being cruel to each other (and to humans and angels, yeah, well, it's not a nice world, sorry), He's not the one I would call the main villain.
That leads me to His right hands man... Tazeel. A demon, of course, but this one is really broken.
Won't say more, but here have a portrait of him:

Are there characters in your story who are clearly "good" or "heroes" or is everyone kind of bad?

Oh, no, just this one side is really bad. :sweat_smile:
I mean, there is this whole topic of good versus evil, angels versus demons (and the humans, well, kind of in between, but knowing nothing about it).
So, yes, there are the "good" ones.
But I admit... It's never that clear, in the end. All one can do is mostly just in a shade of grey, don't you think? :wink:
(Your own villain is an example for that, I think. She might be certain that she's on the good side, but for others what she does is harmful. :confused:)

Thanks a lot for your interest! :blush:

(Alex is the one in blue and Arobase is the one in red)

I think my antagonists are Alex and Arobase, and by antagonists, I mean they oppose the protagonists in some way shape or form.
However since they are also part of the love pentagon I also consider them part of the main cast. They may or may not be complete monsters but, to put it politely, they are products of their environment.

Alex is in an arranged marriage with a closeted lesbian. The laws and social expectation put him in the position of an abuser, regardless of actions or motivation. There is also all war crimes.

Arobase's status as an antagonist is a little bit more complicated and technically would constitute some spoiler. Let's just say, he might not be a reliable source of information about his engagement with Alma, and she is not in a position to tell her side of the story.

I forgot who said it but I like a quote which goes something like "we are all the villain
in someone´s story" and I like not having a real hero in stories that I write

Pretty soon I’m probably gonna design a new Villain oc. I’ll drop her here whenever that happens.

My story's villainess (so far) is Akala.
Brand of evil? It's putting approachability, a sense of humor, and a pretty face on something so horrible. She's right up there with Freeza (DBZ) and Shishio (Rurouni Kenshin) as far as most evil villains go.

From my other completed comic...
We have Kyle... your typical angry ball of hate that's mad at everything

Lucia... the seductive femdom type

And Cedrick... he has a god complex just because he has his consciousness uploaded in the internet.

And from my old completed comic... we have "Mr Hat and Mr Shadow" :laughing:

Mr Hat is just the puppet. Mr. Shadow is the brains behind the whole thing. He's the least evil of my villains. No world domination plans or plans to cause havoc. Just wants to die while having a good fight in the process.

Random thought I had, what does B.R.A.V.E. Stand for? That is the place that Feather works for, right? It might say somewhere in your comic but I’m too lazy to look :yum: