152 / 282
May 2020

If you mean the menu on the right: click the list button to get rid of it.

For the top and bottom menus? I completely agree. On my laptop and computer they take up far too much space and you can't hide them without full-screen. Which, will its existence is great; I'd still prefer clicking to hide the bars without resorting to it as I like to browse other tabs while I read. Going in and out of fullscreen frequently would get old rapidly.

PS: Hey Ingress! I remember finding that on Smackjeeves before that website dived into an Olympic swimming pool filled to the brim with burning dumpster slurry! Great comic.

Thanks for the heads up! I could NOT figure out how to hide that side menu. Silly me. But, I think there's something to be said about all of the menus taking up way too much space. The right sidebar just looks bad when it's covering up a good chunk of the page. I agree about clicking in and out of fullscreen getting old.

Also: Thanks! Glad you liked the comic!

YES!!! I support this, please it is frustrating to type a comment in that box. It is already very hard to get any comments. I wanted to rage quit writing a long comment seconds ago but I know feedback is the only reward some artists have.

Not sure if it was mentioned already but it seems like the bug from the previous update allowing people viewing scheduled episode is back in some form as 2 people have managed to like mine somehow

I haven't read most of the thread. Despite the weird little bugs I'm very glad the site is no longer visually indistinguishable from webtoons.

But issue I have right now is if you go to info page for a comic the "creator" info pulls the info text from the ink donations page. And on my ink donations page I didn't write about myself, I wrote about donations. I'd expect most people would? The ink system has nothing to do with who I am as a person so I have no idea why the creator info would pull that text and not, say, the text from my profile.

I had to admit. The sidebar is a great tool to give extra information about the series and the creator and stuff.
But the comments do not belong there. It belongs under each episode.
Also to avoid spoilers.

It is not good to click on a new episode to read and the first thing you see in the sidebar is ”The butler did it” that information is for me to chat about after I read the episode with the other readers.

100% this. It's pretty much impossible to have a good overview of the comments. I really hope it doesn't discourage people from commenting :frowning:

I created an account just to make this comment, because the site is currently completely unusable for me.

Every time I load my daily-read bookmarks - eg, https://tapas.io/episode/355945 - comics hosted on tapas now load at the first comic, often first from hundres. I have to scroll through the little box on the bottom right, letting it repeatedly load more, just to get to the most recent comic. I spent 3-4 minutes this morning to read a five panel comic.

This is so wrong it must be some kind of mistake. It was bad enough when the site stopped letting me bookmark the latest comic and now this?

Hey @mmmmat welcome to the forum.

First. there is a way to change from top to bottom with the small up up and down arrows.
But then I see something funny going on when I use them.
The order get mixed up???

I’ve received good feedback from my readers on the comments being where they are. They like that the comments are right there, easy to see and get to, and they enjoy being able to comment while they’re reading rather than it waiting until the end where they might forget.

THIS is important to know. Thank you KR
We creators might not think like the reader and the dev team.
I guess it is hard to make everyone happy.

But what about any issue with spoilers? Reader might not think that as a problem as we creator does?

I've received the exact opposite feedback from some readers.

Edit: ah but your write novels don't you? Might be a difference there.

Some people really don’t care about spoilers but also - they can hide the sidebar I believe? No one has said anything about it yet to me.

I think that’s a really important point. Reader behaviour and interaction really isn’t the same across both mediums. But I do also have a moderately successful webcomic - and no complaints there either. I do have an older fanbase though, who are quite moderate and accepting of changes, so they may just be more prepared to seeing how it goes.

Hi Jens, thanks for the reply.

Those arrows change the order the list is displayed in, yes, but I still have to scroll it. The page still loads on comic 1 when I want to read comic 629 (or whatever the most recent is)

I'd really just like each comic I want to read to have a static url which loads the most recent comic, eg tapas.io/episode/35594/latest, then I can bookmark that and load it along with all the other comics I read in the morning with my cup of tea. The previous version of the site loaded a list which had the most recent episode at the top and I could click on that, which was mildly annoying but bearable. Most comics I read on other sites don't have this issue.

Hola! This had to do with the site being down yesterday and should be working now. Let me know if you come across it again!

The team is working on a solution for this!

For now, we'll keep the side bar and review how readers (and commenters) adapt to the change over time.

This was done on purpose - only the main category will be visible on that screen. This has been the same for premium content.

This is an issue with the mobile page - our team recommends using the app for now.

There were some more issues pointed out, but the team has been working on hot fixes, so you should already see improvements for issues like Ads not fitting.

Thank you for your continued feedback, which I will keep sending to the team as it pops up. I'm looking forward to seeing all of your banners back in action again!

For me, it scrolls to the latest episode I viewed like in the past. Can you test one more time (the issue may have been connected to the crash yesterday). If it still happens, can you give me your browser + version, if you're on Mac or PC, as well as how you get to the comic? I'll try to recreate the issue and send it to the team.

Yes! Totally true. Having the comments in the sides makes it very confusing for the readers to know what is everyone taking about. I was reading the latest page of Terra Prima and accidentally scrolled to the past pages comments, it was indistinguishable which page did they belong to. :thinking:

Okay, will do! I tend to use the mobile site exclusively when not at home because I need to edit stuff I've uploaded, but I can easily use the app for comments in the immediate future :slight_smile: I'll let my readers know, too, since there's been a noticeable drop in comments and the mobile site window issue is probably why.

Thanks for the update info!

Thanks Ratique. Still going to episode 1 via my bookmarks of https://tapas.io/series/MrLovenstein1 and https://tapas.io/series/The-Pigeon-Gazette1 and I've loaded those pages at least four times in the last two days (certainly three times today,) and scrolled through to the most recent episode at least once today and once yesterday. I've never had the site show me the most recent episode on load, it's always been the list - although it used to at least have the newest ep at the top, and now it's showing me the oldest possible episode.

Firefox 72.0.2, Debian Linux. I'm probably blocking your cookies, I'm doing whatever Firefox's default is on that front and newer version are quite aggressive about blocking stuff. And before you say I should allow them (which I'd rather not do), default behaviour should be that of least surprise, and almost all webcomics load the more recent episode on their main url as standard (eg, xkcd.com, questionablecontent.net, etc), so one site defaulting to first episode is very much the most surprising thing to do.

Hmm I think without cookies I'm unsure the team could help you. Our system is designed to automatically scroll to the most recent episode you viewed, which is very convenient when you're reading long series. Automatically flipping to the most recent episodes is good for short content, but was problematic for long running series where the most recent episodes could contain spoilers.