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Jul 2023

I'm very curious by this because that's been the craze nowadays and a lot of creators are like "Eh... I don't mind the implications that my story takes place in another plane." I believe the term where all multiverses are combined is called an "Omniverse"?

And if you're story DOESN'T... are you fine with people saying "Yeah your story takes place in mine because that's how MY story works."

My story does have a multiverse but it's WAY more contained and mechanical. Like in That Stick Figure Isekai, a being called the Red Giantess screwed it up beyond belief to the point where it's literally ALL about her. Therefore it's impossible to crossover with other comics.

The Omniverse doesn't exist either because I can't help but feel dirty saying "Your story takes place in mine and you can't do anything about it". It just ruins worldbuilding for me. Also I can't help but feel like it becomes some sort of pissing contest when you crossover someone in a one-off comic, but then they end up not agreeing with you thematically and do something that breaks your universe's rules. It's like "YOU RUINED THE ENTIRE POINT IN MY COMIC!".

I'd rather if things are just self-contained.

What about you guys?

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I do like my stories to be where they are at on their own timeline and place but I’ve had thought of ideas for alternate universes for my stories for fun. Like Cyberpunk Cracking Eggs, Elsie set in the 1990s instead of the 1890s. Stuff like that. Time travel could be a thing as Ernest could invent it and travel accidentally to Cracking Eggs timeline (2014-16 - pre pandemic time)

As fun as to see my characters have a crossover of sorts I wouldn’t know what they’d be doing. Though in my universe Ernest and Rosemary are Ella Wellington’s ancestors and she is descended from them. (Because they have similar features and such)

I made that tidbit canon because I thought it would be nice to have a connection.

Other than that, I don’t think I’m having a big large multiverse. As fun and cool as it could be, I don’t know if I could execute it well. The Cilaverse was meant to be one linear timeline.

In the case of Elsie, seeing my characters from the Victorian era reacting to the modern day 2010s they’d be astonished, confused and maybe even overwhelmed by it. I just wanna see them in modern clothes but they would blend in with a steampunk convention that’s for sure other than that they’d be strangers in a strange land.

Yes it does but it's rarely touched upon. Twistverse is so big that it neighbours tons of other fictional verses that are many years behind it in it's own continuity. It's comparable in size to the Marvel or DC universes.

did... that new spiderman movie give people some weird multiverse brainrot...?

and no, some of my stories may share a world (I do have plans for a prequel to Vampire Prince taking place centuries in the past and exploring some of the immortal characters more) and there was a case of me using characters from one comic in a background of an illustration to a spin off game based on another comic of mine but that was just an easter egg, just a little bit of fun but multiverse? nah, I don't see the appeal
and claiming somebody else's work as part of your own story without their consent just sounds weird... If some people want to share a setting, more power to them but this "omniverse" thing makes no sense to me

Or in some instances I had ideas where it would be the reverse. My modern day characters in Cracking Eggs would be reacting to everything from the 1890s. They’d probably be overwhelmed by the smell and have to find disguises and such. It’d be difficult for them that’s for sure.

No multiverse plotline in my story, and it isn't a part of someone else's storyline or world.

Mine takes place in the "real" world that people know. There is not other universes other than to say there is demons and angels. I guess by having them you could say there is a heaven and hell, but there is no other parallel universes where things are a little different or the like. It would ruin the reason for the story.

Some of my comics share similar characters but only three of them share canon. I like to recycle characters because it's easier than making new ones. I would not really call it a "multiverse", I see it more like the characters are actors in a theater production. I don't see my series as parallel universes, more just different stories put in different settings.

No, not something I think about, not a fan of the multiverse craze either. I'm on team self-centered universe too.
The comic has an unfolding, layered narrative, so without consistency or limits, it would get too confusing.
While it's something I'd never make canon, I wouldn't want to limit readers' personal experiences, fans are welcome to make their multiverse theories if they choose.

However, a character in one story may wear a shirt or have a poster to cross promote another series of mines. On the Tapas version, many Tapas creators' who are supporters get Easter egg promos eg. movie posters in the cinema, magazine with upcoming videogames etc. To some readers those featured Tapas Novels/Comics might be seen as the Hollywood of this universe :movie_camera:

Yup. Not my story here on tapas, but it's companion that I sell on comixology, I stumbled into multiversal, time traveling, alternate version of my main character on that one. All because in a moment of boredom and self doubt, I decided to add something complex to what was supposed to be a straightforward story. Being a creator can get crazy.

Actually, my comic is in the same multiverse as Shrek. You see, my protagonist had a canon event where she'll yell at people to get out of her swamp. Unfortunately, it didn't work and her land was seized. This is why she is homeless right now.

I wouldn't say so; one of my universes have 'loci' (planes of existence) that may end up having drastically different stories taking place, but it probably doesn't count as a multiverse? 'Cos I plan to make those stories feel coherent with the world rather than declaring any other story I do as secretly taking place in that world when it doesn't fit :stuck_out_tongue:

My stuff's public domain, so I obviously approve :stuck_out_tongue: I have no interest in controlling what other people do with the memes I plant in their heads.

My story doesn’t have a multiverse. But it could easily have one :sweat_02: I have so many different versions of my story, and I kept inserting my OC Crow into a few scrapped stories (ooops)
I already have a big universe of characters with more to come so I don’t really see a need for a multiverse, even though it could be fun.

No clue. It's completely irrelevant to the story at hand.
Although I did have a dream once where I came up with the idea of having a multiverse in my comic.... and it made no absolutely sense lol. Classic dreams. Giving me story ideas that I think are amazing until I wake up and realize they're complete BS haha

Dang, why do the interesting/fun questions get asked while my story's just begun? (Not being mean, it's just a funny coincidence)
I technically do have a plan for my own "multiverse", but I would have to publish a few other comic series before I give it any more thought. It's very "high concept" and even absurd, given the lengths I'd have to go just to "connect" everything, but "absurd" kinda would fit into many series that I would eventually publish, even if some were more "serious" in theme.

I plan to connect them all (subjectively) with one man with some secretive otherworldy bulls--t. And yes, he technically appears in Friar Chicken, of all places, briefly, and hopefully he'll be spotted in the background of other series-to-be. It's still WAY too early to reveal anything more, but given plenty of time, and perhaps a miracle, even I'd be curious to see how my own "verse" plays out.

(I've never heard of the omniverse concept, but personally if someone saw my hashed story as worthy of taking place in theirs/another's universe then that would make my creator life!)

Mood :'D (Though for me I'm just slow; I've started my story nearly 2 years ago, so I have no-one but myself to blame XD)