2 / 25
Jun 2022

I didn't hate this page when I started it. But it took me 3 times to figure out the perspective, then hours just to pencil it, and then I inked it. 8+ hours actively spent on it, and I'm yet to color it. :cry_02:

But I think it was worth it.

  • created

    Jun '22
  • last reply

    Jul '22
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Yep WOW - that's beautiful, perspective looks incredible!

@MartyBarok That perspective is AMAZING. Did you use any tools to figure it out? Either way, really impressive!

@NickRowler Saaaaaaaaame. Part of the reason I'm glad I switched from doing webcomics to just writing is that I can weasel out of drawing backgrounds as much. For me, inside of buildings is so much worse than nature since there's more pressure to get the dimensions exactly right. As luck would have it, both of my series take place primarily inside.

Characters sitting in chairs, a background, and a table! I don't know how I figured this out, but I'm still proud of it. As a little Happy Pride Month bonus, this scene is of most of the characters figuring out they're not the only non-straight/non-cis ones on the ship.

Mine are also related to backgrounds, at least when I started this comic.

This particular panel I remember wondering why I decided to make it so cluttered. I also wrote the original owner of this house to be an artist so I felt like I had to make some tableware more personalized.

But like the thread said, it was worth it. I think it makes the room look a lot more lived in.

And it's good I've grown to like it because I will have to draw this all again in the future :cry_01:

Oooh that looks really nice though! Drawing buildings is the worst, you did a great job with the town.

These panels were the bane of my existence:

Took me forever to finish these, the last one was the worst. I hate drawing cities, there are so many details that I just don't care about, but I have to make myself care for it to look decent.

I relate. Backgrounds always suck to begin with, but cities are the worst and I hate them with burning passion.

These look amazing though- and I gotta say I love that last panel most. All the little details, textures, and colors elevate it from what could've been another boring obligatory background to a beautiful artwork that breathes life into the world. Hard work paid off! :]

I'm not really hating drawing one, can be stunning if done right. But if there's a few of them in a panel & they're close enough to require details like small branches & leaves...:dizzy_face:

Still worth it!

Thanks! Just the perspective rulers in Procreate. I know some people use 3D models, but it takes me more time to set those up than to draw like this.

The chairs are the bane of my existence. I can't draw characters sitting. Your drawing looks cool, I love the bright colors. :smiley:

Yoo there are so many Gold stars of accomplishment up in here. And a lot of it is crowded spaces. Mine is the same, though I don't have a pic right now. Drawing an urban fantasy landscape is freaking wild. Shoot cityscapes and villages, all that ish is wild. So, even when I'm in my feelings and dreading doing them, I totally feel euphoric when they are done!

@AlydaB Goood all the straight lines, different sized and shaped buildings, angles, clutter, eww! I hate it!

Thank you! I try to give backgrounds a little bit of life. (Most of the time.) I hate it when backgrounds look like cardboard backdrops, it makes the characters feel like part of the world when the backgrounds have unique details fitting the location/person, and when they look interactive... if that makes sense. So even if it sucks to do, definitely, the hard work pays off. :'D

@MartyBarok Thank you! Yeah, I use color pencils for my comic. SUPER time consuming, but for someone insisting on doing everything traditionally it's the cheapest and safest option in the long run.

That page turned out incredible!!! (This is why I always disagree with people who say "backgrounds don't matter." They help comics feel more immersive.)

What I hate drawing is the same thing from multiple angles. For example, having to draw a bicycle over and over again in different panels. It's hard to keep things looking consistent. However, I feel like things seem more real when you can see them from more than one angle. So to me, it's worth it.

@UrMom and you added.... shivers CIRCLES?! And they look great in-context?! Your perspective rulers must get really good use :sweat_02:

I'm currently designing some of the interiors for the second part of the comic, but for right now.. This horse-drawn carriage.

I use 3D assets whenever possible, since I just don't have as much time as I used to - and finding good reference images can be a serious hassle. The only problem is that none of my comics use the Nice Smooth Lines :tm: you get when using LT conversion in Clip, so I have to go over everything again anyway.... But, it looks good. By the end of the series I'll be really good at drawing carriages, I think ! (ww)

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a horse.

Thanks! I'm in awe of everyone who draws bicycles, those things are complicated. It's tiring to draw backgrounds sometimes, especially detailed ones but they really set the mood. I do cheat on closeups sometimes and just slap a gradient in the background. :sweat_smile:

Cars and buildings where my biggest fear. Forced myself to learn to draw them and it was definitely worth it. I actually started to like drawing them. But man they sure do take a while to draw.