Probably ought not hold your breath or bet the mortgage on Twitter dying. It might. It might not. But a lot of people seem to be just getting their jollies by predicting its failure. Some seem to be pleased to show their dislike for Musk and/or twitter in that way. Time will tell. Until then,all the sound & fury signify nothing.
This kinda implies that Tesla and Space X actually are good for the world, which they are not.
He didn't invent Tesla. He was just the majority shareholder who bought out the company, kicked out the actual chief executive-- Martin Eberhard-- and paid some millions on the NDA. Tesla was doing fine without him. Now the company is embroiled in a bunch of work violations for treating it worker like shit under policies directly tied to his leadership. Tesla has not made a profit except for the years where it sells carbon credit; it produces overpriced electric cars that only dominates the market because of the number of fueling stations available; its stock is failing and is considered massively overvalued by most market analysis.
The only thing that he's been successful in is getting the electric cars into mainstream market under the guise of environmental sustainability, but Tesla sells carbon credit and the way it produces cars is actually terrible for the environment. If he really wants to support the environment, he would've invested in public transportation, encouraged better policies making (he has done the opposite), shut up about bitcoin, and supported indigenous communities.
Space X has done nothing that Nasa couldnt, except now it's privatized. They've taken billions in government contract while not doing shit for scientific research.
Whatever minuscule, if any, good him and his companies have done are incidentals to profit making.
The guy's just a rich kid who throws money at idiotic ideas and hope that they stick; 99% of them have not. You're talking about a guy who wants to build underground tunnels network for cars when train exists, thinks that COVID will completely end by 2022 when it has killed more people this year than in 2021 and 2020 in some countries, and says that he'll get people to colonize mars by 2023. You're talking about a guy who was fired as Xcom and Papal ceo for being bad at his job, a guy who says he's “a free speech absolutist” while firing employees for speaking out and supporting rhetorics that violently silence marginalized people. He's been sued multiple times for his illegal business practices. He literally could solve world hunger with his money but instead he bought twitter-- nothing can excuse how morally bankrupt that is.
I agree that battery powered cars are a horror for the environment as well as for the overseas workers such as the miners & smelters. They're not really green except maybe in the sense of cash.
Space X has done nothing that Nasa hasn't, except now it's privatized. They've taken billions in government contract while not doing shit for scientific research.
NASA wanted spacelift to go private. They were getting out of the launch business & even some of space exploration in favor of earth sciences. SpaceX is primarily (as I see it) a spacelift business vs a pure science lab thing like NASA has been.
He literally could solve world hunger with his money
How? That's a claim tossed around a lot, but I think it vastly underestimates the amount of money needed by world hunger for more than a few days. Consider that Musk's fortune isn't enough to run the US govt for more than about a month. The size of his fortune, as big as it is, pales in comparison to national & world sized problems.
i should've said "stopped" instead of "solved." Elon said if the UN can give him a $6 billion plan for doing so, he would give them the money (mind you his wealth is valued at $250 billions). They did. He didn't.
And what @AmeTsunami said
It looks on cursory examination that their proposal was the cost per year for a program to serve 43M people, which seems far from world hunger. And a significant chunk of the money went to "management". So, "stopped" might be applicable to "stopped something for now", but it sort of eventually begins to look like the "feed a man a fish" saw. A longer term & indigenous solution seems wanted but may not be forthcoming.
true, my statement is exaggerated, but if it's a choice between feeding 43 million starving people and buying twitter for 7x the cost, I think it's pretty clear what choice is the morally bankrupted one.
I don't subscribe to the "give a man fish" mantra because that's a simplification of complicated economic situation. There're sustainable ways to invest in local economy, especially ones with people who are literally starving.
That's a problem with a lot of conversations about money, politics & the like. People will exaggerate &/or make unsubstantiated claims to support their position. It becomes "win the argument" instead of "explore the situation".
Sure, the fish thing is a simplification, as are most truisms. But the essence of the saying holds. The 43M do need to eat now, but they need to find, or be shown, how to feed themselves & maybe one day also join the nations who produce a surplus that can be used for charity. It's not sustainable to rely on charity indefinitely because what happens if donors confront their own crises? Nothing good.
With that, I retire from the battlefield. Selah.
As someone who lives under a rock and knows jack shit about Musk, seeing 5/7 replies to you (including a mod's) being nothing but snarky put-downs made me instinctively want to side with you just on principle, but after reading your post carefully and the later replies that actually address your points, your argument isn't really convincing (for reasons those other comments covered better than I could).
I hope you read through them and address them somehow. Your replies so far give me the impression you're more interested in provoking people, but I want to believe you really were trying to have a good faith discussion.
Yeah it's pretty easy to slip into exaggerating, and I've also pretty much given up on substantiating empirical claims and prefer to just focus on the internal logic of arguments Getting riled up is inevitable; I think the important thing is to acknowledge it if someone points out you've been exaggerating or using fallacious logic, instead of doubling down on you path and insist you never said anything wrong ever. Someone who can do that has my respect :]
If I'm understanding correctly, this is for 1 year; not indefinitely. If you didn't have to worry about food for a year, you can use that time to get yourself into a more stable living situation. So basically, yes teach a man to fish, but he can't exactly do much with that knowledge without a fishing rod
I really don't know why these two things so maybe someone can explain as i dont understand.
Wasn't the previous owners of twitter rich fat cats (I would replace a with un) like musk? If so why the outrage him taking over.
What's the big deal with twitter anyway for everyone to get so heated about it?
I see. Calm down Are you losing clients currently?
Well I do think it was losing its day in the sun before Musk took over anyway. From my understanding it was failing financially and it was sold off to him. Previous ceos got a fat paycheck but they're okay I guess. Not at all responsible for the mess.
Anyway platforms do come and go. Getting emotionally invested in one seems pointless.
Having twats like musk in your head rent free is also pointless.
Don't like the service or its manager. Leave. That's it. Simple. No more investment.