110 / 110
Dec 2024

lol nope, that's the MCs bff, roomie and future bf. He's designed to look like a shady used car salesman, so I understand your confusion but he's not actually evil, just a bit annoying and mischievous

I guess I can try this:

This is the biggest crowd shot I’ve drawn. It is also taken from next month's chapter, so my protagonist is technically wearing an outfit they have never worn before.

Thank you! I think a lot of it is the Yugioh style

It's like a cute and edgy filter lol

I just add noise and then reduce the added noise!

For the last board I also added a blur layer before adding noise for more compression bcuz that screenshot was bad lol

Ack I was so sure I got it! He has his heart in his car!
Who is the real bad guy? I'm curious

Hiding in the back feels like an MC thing to do--

Buuut this is a baddie only board so I'm adding the mask leader

That artwork is incredible. You did a great job at capturing all the little details on the uniform and translating them to a new artstyle.

I really thought the framing made it obvious who the mc was but you did catch her elbow.

It actually her Rose dressed up in the local traditional working class women's clothing:

Although, it’s funny that you ended up drawing the leader. A fun behind the scene fact: I used a low poly 3d model in blender as a drawing reference, and both of Rose and the leader use the same rig. They share the same height (~5f,8”) and general proportion. They also share the model with a secret 3rd character.

Ah she was the first one I looked to! But I thought she might be a protag's best friend type.

But if they have the same rig, that's like half a correct guess right? :smug_01:
This game is a lot harder than I thought it'd be

29 days later

Well, here are a few OCs, can you guess who the lead is?

Well the red one has the cutest design imo so I would guess that one

But since we're on baddies now

These two
Grey palette = Grey morals?

You are correct, the one in red is the MC! And I just wanted folks to guess, so it doesn't matter that she can't be added to the picture now XD (you really filled that thing to the BRIM with characters.)

As for the gray palette, yes and no. The woman with the light colored hair is unintentionally being used to harm others, but she didn't ask to be part of that problem (colorism and skinny-washing.) So she's not really a villain, more like an unfortunate person used to antagonize others.

Is that her normal palette?

When I have time I'll add her

Probably right next to Kaiba

yep, that's her palette. The comic was in gray-blue scale

I don't have many ensembles in the actual comic, so I'm gonna have to leave you guys with this summer drawing I drew during last summer.

Who Do you think is the main character of Volkermord
1) Mark Anderson

2) Artair callahan

3) Darius Becket

An action science fantasy visual novel

Darn I thought that chara was the love interest actually lol

Predictable as in using common design tropes?
Nothing wrong with that tho. We like spiky rivals and idol protags

The third guy feels like a mentor maybe? The one everyone else looks up to?
He reminds me of Levi. I think it's the haircut and the swords.

well you're wrong about the 3rd guy.... I never thought of his design like levi....