6 / 41
Nov 2016

If doge became batman would pepe stil meme

Have you ever gotten so drunk that you started seeing memes?

Awesome, thank you, hope I can make it, I have my own stream at the same time on PicartoTV, but I'll be sure to listen to the recording. I filled the questionnaire, hope it helps.

Kind regards,

YAY! We need more Tapastic Livestreams! They're always the BEST!

...What? lol...

Thanks! I'll try to shepard people your way after our stream is over.

I hope I can be there blush

....isn't the 2nd of December a Friday tho??

what kind of skills would you be looking for in someone wanting to apply to work at tapastic?

  • Are you planning, in the future, to re-implement the Different Languages support? It can be really useful to have this back on Tapastic, because a lot of authors are native non-english language.

  • Are you planning to implement the possibility to add more authors to a webseries, so as to have Writer, Drawer, Colorist assigned to the same series?

  • Are you going to let us to divide a series in chapters?

  • What about the categories? Is there a plan about increasing them or to let each series to have more than one single category?

Okay, I derped out and sent a question asking when the Livestream would start : P Here are my actual questions:

  • Will there come a way to create chapters for longer stories?
  • Will there come a way to have more than one genre? My comic is mainly romance, but has almost just as much drama and comedy.

What do you look for in people when they are chosen for staff pick or even spotlight?

If I eat an apple everyday, will I still be able to find a doctor when I need one?

Are there any self-inflicted restrictions you put on your page layouts?

Also, what is your opinion on the size of vertical gutter breaks as opposed to horizontal breaks? Do you feel making them different sizes helps with comprehension? Are there limits?

Sorry, our mistake. Yes, Thursday, December 1st.

Not sure if you really want to be like me.


Depends on what role they'd be interested in.

Yes, we will be sending out another wave of them after the livestream.

Thursday. My mistake.

If you have questions, please leave them in the survey which is located in the first post. Thanks.

I am curious.

Do Webtoon and Tapastic have diplomatic relations?
Has Webtoon ever made Tapastic an offer to purchase the website?
If no, were Webtoon to make such an offer, would Tapastic be open to negotiations?