23 / 27
Mar 2020

I love me my Revenge of the Sith lol what was supposed to be an exciting ending to the trilogy ended up being kinda dark in terms of it feeling like everything's truly falling apart at the end, leaving behind the tiniest glimmer of hope for the future. All while trying to set up the future events of the originals. I loved as a kid, and I still love it now. Also.. Obi-wan and his one-liners. Ewan McGregor did a fantastic job being that character, that's just an irrefutable fact, nobody hates him in these movies lol

Tied for second would have to be Return of the Jedi and Empire Strikes Back. It's hard to separate the two, I watched both back to back pretty often. Return of the Jedi might be a bit higher just because of everything actually resolving in the series.. The sequel trilogy just feels like an afterthought with no regards to the universe or plot. Not that it isn't fun or enjoyable to watch but ehhh, it could've been better executed

TESB leads with almost 50% of the votes, as it usually does in most polls.
ROTJ about halfway behind, no surprise there.
And SW-ANH close on ROTJ's heels.

That makes The OT untouchable with 77% votes, as of now.

ROTS and TPM getting 13% votes, representing the Prequels.

TLJ with 10% of the votes weighs in for the fans of Disney's SW.

AOTC, TFA and TROS yet to get off the mark.

So far, so good. :innocent:

As a kid, my favorite was Episode 1 because I was a kid and stupid and thought podracing was the coolest thing ever.

Now it alternates between New Hope and Empire. For awhile it was Return of the Jedi but looking back for all the cool stuff it had (big armada space battle, Jaba, Vader's death) it also had a lot of signs of Star Wars turning hollow and corporate. You had Death Star 2 Electric Boogaloo and Ewoks, and while they're nowhere near as bad as Jar Jar or Porgs they do have the stink of "made by committee to sell toys to kids" on them.

I'll be honest. Rise of Skywalker pulled more emotional response out of me than the others. So RoS. Plus those effects and action sequences put it over the top. (I'm a graphics junkie xD)

Phantom Menace is number two for nostalgia as it was the first SW I saw in theaters at age 11.

The first trilogy is third, I like them all equally.

The Last Jedi (I loved this one despite it's issues)

Revenge of the Sith.

The other two xD

the empire strikes back made history, not only for that "spoiler scene" . i mean, just the fight of darth vader vs luke is the best duel ever done (yes u read right. u dont need mega flips to impress when u have a sword master who know what to do with real skill and a director who know what & how to capture the scenes...).
BUT for me, nothing can reach THE moments when those 3 guys in the death star confront each others. it is simply above everything. to me it's close to the true Cinema i love, like Kubrick or Leone.

the original trilogy it s above everything. like years light.
the second trilogy, the one from the 2000... i feel it like more a documentary. like: "hey there was that, there was those... blah blah blah". without emotion or phatos. they explain, nothing else.
the 3rd trilogy, that one of these years, it s a record of no sense, no phatos, no story, except "the elephant in the room".

so to me:
1) return of the jedi
2) empire strikes back
3) new hope
4) rogue one
5) revenge of the sith
6) attack of the clones
7) phantom menace
8) solo
9) SW tv reunion from the '80
10) the new trilogy

After 41 votes – ESB is ahead with 49% votes. ROTJ bagging 20% half a lap down the track and SW-ANH struggling to keep up with 10%.

Almost a whole lap down, TLJ and TPM are neck and neck with 7% and ROTS eating their collective dust at 5%.

At a measly 2% TROS barely keeping its nose in front of blank slates AOTC and TFA.

Come on, you nerf herders, place your bets already. :smiley:

This entire list is so lucky The Mandalorian isn't a movie.

I cast my vote for ROTJ because of how well it caps the whole saga off, in my opinion, w/ apologies to all my sequel-loving brothers and sisters out here. I'll stick my neck out for some of the criticisms aimed at it too -- the Ewoks kind of symbolize the lesson Luke learned from Yoda about not judging something by its size/appearance, and the Death Star plays differently in the plot vs. ep. 4 to a point where I don't have a problem with it.
ROTS and ESB kind of tie for me based on how much I enjoy them. Honorable mention I guess to The Force Awakens for being my first and most positive experience seeing a Star Wars movie in the theaters.

Also I feel bad for Attack of the Clones on this poll because I feel like its quality, for the most part, wavers between "fun Star Wars things" and "delightfully bad." Maybe that's the price it pays for that equilibrium, that I think it's a fun watch but it winds up being nobody's favorite.

8 days later

Not a Star Wars fan, but have you seen the stuff about the new ride in Disney World/Land? It's in both the US parks, I think.

I'm sooo jealous, for years the Asia parks were just better and now the US parks have the trophy lol...

Dicktor Von Doomcock / DVD

27 days later

Since Rian Johnson admitted here didn't care about Star Wars or it's built up lore up to until The Last Jedi was made. I'd say that pic sums it up

24 days later

Attack of the Clones is holding steady at zero votes. I wonder if these results would be different id selections were opened up to all fourteen Star Wars movies. I doubt it.

6 months later

I guess the reason why the Clone Wars movie doesn't have any votes is because nobody watched it when it was in theaters and Cartoon Network.