5 / 27
Oct 2024

Summarizing the first chapter of Crossfire: Greed

Heracles goes on a mission to stop a man who serves a cult of animal worshippers and was turning people into zombie animals;

When he arrives at the location, he shoots everyone and knocks out the scientist who is behind it, and soon returns to his workplace;

He works at Burger Killer, a fast food restaurant, and he is the mascot of the place. When he gets there, he finds customers complaining about the cardboard inside the meat;

Naiara, his boss, says that they will join forces with her neighboring restaurant to invade the butcher shop and fight the butcher shop manager.

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Now it's your turn, summarize the first episode of your story in the answers to this post.

Good luck!

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Episode 1: "Farm Awakening"

(This was an interesting idea. Mine's a comic, fyi...)

We open to the coop, a seemingly peaceful scene...But that would be wrong. Here, roosters fight to be the top pecker, and only one of them is strongest to make the morning call. His name is Gallus, of the Reds.

The coop's owner, Alec Tryon, is awaken early by the chaos, and despite his threats to kill the rooster, he resumes his morning routine. His son, Luke, makes him breakfast and the two discuss the future of the chicken farm/rescue in the wake of Alec's wife's passing.

"I hope you will be ready for the changes coming..." he says...

Meanwhile, Friar - a (bald) contemplative chicken - overhears this message and interprets it to be from a divine source. As he hails the coming of a new awakening for the coop, he holds his wings up in praise of the Providers, revealing a photo of the Tryon family--his caretakers.

No one is obligated to join the Order, unless you like what you see...

Our story begins with our main duo the guardian Elyn and her mysterious yet childishly curious partner TollKeeper. The pair have reached their current destination a small port town called Loor which is in the middle of a festival. After enjoying themselves with dancing and delactable treats the pair head to the light house,Loor’s prime jewel. With the help of the moonlight a door to the world of souls open and Elyn guides the souls for the town to paradise.

Elyn is trying to solve the mystery of her brother’s disappearance while also guiding souls to the afterlife.

Updates every Friday

In my prologue chapter, two continents, Miravia and Naverra, long divided by their human and demon inhabitants, face a common threat when another, unknown race, who dub themselves the Voidkin, arrive to conquer the planet.

As the Voidkin's destructive invasion progresses, the demon lords propose an alliance with the human king. Though reluctant due to the urgent dismissal of his distrustful nobles, the king agrees after his son, Prince Leo, urges unity.

Leo then meets General Auriella, a demon leader, to forge this alliance, though tension persists. Just as they begin preparing, news arrives of a Voidkin attack on the human capital of Bastion, forcing them to mobilize immediately.

Thanks, axleruler,

The first chapter of Friends is a short story told by Lazarus. Jesus comes home after a long absence. Lazarus, Martha, and Mary are moving from their home town of Magdala. Mary, angry for being stood up, slaps Jesus, but soon the wedding is back on.

After the wedding, Jesus and his family help Lazarus to make the move closer to Jerusalem. When Lazarus holds a big feast at his new home, among the many gusets are Caiaphas and Pontius pilate. Jesus is also present, and has a conversation with the Prefect.

My first chapter is how dungeons came into existence in our modern world, and how the first hunter/esper/awakened came to be through the challenge to save a town as unknown monsters descended - and how guides came to be for those espers.

Jonathan é um jovem pesquisador promissor aspirante à aventura e as suas próprias descobertas cientificas. Quando sua perspectiva de futuro parece incerta, uma oportunidade única surge e ele decide embarcar em uma jornada arriscada ao lado de pessoas que ele não sabe se pode confiar. Jonathan conhece Ezekiel e sua equipe militar extremamente preparada para uma expedição ao continente inexplorado, assim como Eliza, uma jovem habilidosa e misteriosa que o ajudará em seu caminho.

O primeiro capítulo publicado no Tapas é uma introdução a aventura no qual poderá vê-la no futuro (foreshadowing) e nos próximos capítulos você poderá acompanhar a jornada acirrada de Jonathan desde o início. Amanhã publicarei um capítulo novo ^^

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Episode 1: Candy Man (Part 1)

It's New Years, 1987. Angel Santiago is caught up in an earthquake after leaving a cafe, then is saved by a stranger with seemingly supernatural abilities. He decides to follow the Stranger, Ren Yoshimaru, in order to help his mother who lives in the area.

The two split up around the epicenter as the focus switches to Ren as he investigates the cause of the earthquake - what he knows is a demon. He jumps into a chasm formed by the demon, a warped place that doesn't seem to obey the laws of nature. As he investigates the empty chasm, eventually finding what might explain why he can't find anything.

Updates every Friday