23 / 103
Dec 2020

I know it's not chritmas-y, but I didn't know any other ideas to do. Also this isn't that good, but I tried best I can do with my little slow tablet and finger. Also I hope it's fine that background is picture and not drawing. I'm bad at drawing backgrounds. But Toto meets Pupper and Pupper meets Toto. Hope ya' like it :slight_smile:

I like drawing this one its so fun. I accidentally blured the moon and the stars in the left tho as this is the first time drawing stuff on my new tablet and because its so big that my hand slipped as i used my fingers while using the blur tool. I hope this help

Wow! I logged on today to see all these responses! The creativity of the Tapas community never ceases to amaze me! I am so impressed by everyone's pieces. :coffee_love: Fantastic job, everyone! :hype_01:

Guys! Life hacks! If you are making a webcomic! And you have already completed all the shading and all the backgrounds and all the wording on a page! In the current day! Do not! Continue on to draw an entire thingamajig! I am tired. But y'know what, I mean it turned out nice so yeah, I'm happy either way.

Happy holidays from Fires in the Alley!