11063 / 19707
Feb 2021

"That was weird." Alise blinks. She lowers her arms and her blades along with it, which glint sharply but the handles are wrapped in glittery pink ribbon.

“Not particularly. A loyalist assassin had a getaway plan.” Kaeru puts away his knife, “Unsurprising, if annoying.”

"Soooo, what your saying is....assassins can just vanish into thin air here?" Alise replies, a little annoyed herself. "Great! I'm never getting back home!"

Tara huffed and crossed her arms "Aw man. I wanted to slap that guy around a little."

“It would appear so, but given their relative skill... you should be fine.” Kaeru cracks his neck, “Just don’t do anything stupid.”

"Isn't it stupid to be standing out here?" Alise crosses her arms, her melded karambits now visible. A ridiculous looking weapon indeed, it's even rhinestone encrusted, but at least it makes her feel like part of the crew.

Kaeru turns the corpse of one of the assassins over with his foot. There are five bodies in total, one of them has their head cleanly cut off.
“You tell me.”

"I don't think I need to. But since you know what's going on seemingly, why don't you redirect us as to where we should be right now." Alise says. Her guards have their teeth bared, still on the lookout.

“Wherever the hell you want.” Kaeru shrugs, “I was targeted by a group of assassins. That is not your problem.”

“I have never heard of them.” Kaeru shakes his head, “Which means they are not from my world.”

(I think I'm done for the night. Later guys. Gonna go play some video games.)

"Hey, you were the one who started getting into my business!" Alise shouts back.

"I-I'd like to help." Martin says meekly.

“I believed I had good reason to.” Kaeru shrugs, “It would seem you have good reason to stay out of mine.”

“Many, many men want me dead.” Kaeru seems unconcerned, “It is not unlikely one of them ended up here.”

"Huh... How'd you get here with Tatakai and Tempo, anyways?" Flare asked with a raised eyebrow,

"Huh, good point... So now what now that we know that these weirdoes are after you?" Flare asked.

“Now, you all go back inside and forget about this.” Kaeru draws Wilting Lily and carefully cleans the beautiful sword, the blade catching the sunlight, “My problems are my own to handle.”

"Okay... Just let me know if you need any help. We've had experiences with similar problems back home as well..." Flare said as he went back inside the tavern.