11599 / 19707
Feb 2021

Lucretia waves her hands in the air.

Lucretia: "Woot woot!!"
Marcus: "My man's swole now. HA!"

He said to Genii about pulling out the sword.

@AmazementComics @DualDragons

"Yeah, I did it!" Gen shouted as he realised, he held the sword up and waved it.

"Bravo!" Erras praised, and clapped.

"... is that a cow?" Gen squinted and pointed the sword over at Daemon, Cate and Serenity.

Bellah occasionally looked back to make sure the stranger was still following. As she reached the tavern she held the door open and jerked her head indicating that he should enter.

((Alright, I think I'm ready to RP for a bit. Sorry for my inactivity

Gen wasn’t quite sure what to do with the sword, so he headed over to Alpha-7 to give it back to them.

“Thanks...” He said once he reached them, neglecting to actually hand the sword over. “... for... you know... pushing me and stuff...”

Erras smiled and walked away to speak with Lucretia and Marcus.

Bellah followed the stranger inside, but made sure to get back in front of him, so he could see her. She looked around the tavern for any members of her party... preferably the calm/sensible ones.

"Just make sure to keep up your training." A7 smiles, reaching out to take the sword, "Don't want to let all that progress slip away!"

Blink is floating around messing with people, while Stockade is sitting at the bar, scratching Tene's chin.

The stranger looks around nervously at all the people, not really sure what to do.

(Gonna say they're next to Stockade at the bar, since I think Bellah's headed that way, with the mute boi in tow.)

(His appearance in the meantime:)

(Head up to see the hook comparison.)

(He's 5'11", and moves very animatedly, since he can't express himself due to the "mask".)

(Cool. Anyone in particular you’d prefer to interact with?)

“I will.” Gen handed the sword over, with a serious expression. “And I won’t forget what you all told me either.”


“He has...” Erras smiled at Lucretia before looking back over his shoulder. “Aedan would be proud.”

Bellah avoided Blink and headed over to Stockade at the bar, gesturing for the masked man to follow again. She could tell the stranger was nervous and jittery from his body language.

“Siektaa...” she didn’t call Stockade cute today. “I have found...” well, she wasn’t quite sure what she’d found. “... an enigma.”