265 / 407
Feb 2021

My comic is In The Woods Somewhere! It's a slice of life/surreal horror comic, about a high-school student called Andrew who has Narcolepsy. There's nightmares, arson, a huge storm, and a high-school house party, it's got it all haha.
In The Woods Somewhere

8 days later

Check this one out!:

I'm pretty sure most of us are under 400 subscribers

Anyways heres my sauce

Hard stuck around 60 subs. It's a very personal comic for me that I have long term plans for, but looking to expand my audience. It's a scifi/adventure/fantasy story about identity and family.


Greetings! I have just updated my comic series! I hope it's to your liking:

Here’s mine if anyone wants to check it out!

I need 2 more people to reach 100. So close, yet so far away. XD

19 days later

If anyone wants to checkout my comic.

Definitely have less than that, lol. Updates every Monday!

My comic is Underworld Hysteria, a mafia based story.
A mafia boss is kidnapped and used by a bounty hunter for her own devious needs~

i suppose "under 400" encapsulates well under 400 as well, right?

my mystery/horror, the ghoul, has just had it's first chapter uploaded yesterday
it is a monster story that gets pretty violent every once in a while, check it out if that interests

Just now passed 30 subscribers! and on my way to 50 <3 It's a slice of life comedy mystery with ghosts and found family! Check it out!

Here's mine! I'm still near the beginning but there's an exciting and definitely-not-trauma-filled ride ahead!

Heres mine. Again.
Genre: Comedy, slice of life
Sub count: 4
Sub goal: 10

Genre: Fantasy
Sub count: 8
Sub goal: 14

Genre: Horror, fantasy
Sub count: 11
Sub goal: 17

Hope you enjoy demons working a 9 to 5 job.

Hello <33 Happy Wednesday!

You may check all my work, which is poetry. Here are the links
all are updated daily!

This is like my personal diary:

An epic poem, my main novel:

I hope you check it out and might like it and perhaps sub

Note: I usually sub back to any author that follows one of my works