@BellaTheCow, sorry but that was incorrect. I don't blame you though. I'd love to pet a bird if I could too
As you extend your hand, the bird tilts its head but does not flee. Instead, it lets out a melodic call, and vines rise from the earth, wrapping gently around your wrist. A warmth spreads through you, but before you can react, the vines tighten—testing you, judging you—before retreating as if you were unworthy.
@vieveda, congrats! I'll do 5 more likes and comments on your story!
As your fingers trace the ancient symbols, the ground beneath you pulses with life, and the bird lets out a soft trill of approval. Vines bloom with glowing blue flowers, and a gentle voice whispers through the trees: The forest has chosen you. A wave of understanding washes over you—you are no longer just a traveler; you are its guardian now.
@Krysteena, sorry but that was incorrect! You did not become the guardian of the forest, but who knows if that's necessarily a bad thing?
You step away, unwilling to involve yourself in something unknown, but the moment you turn, the forest shifts. The trees close in, their branches weaving a barrier, and the bird’s once-gentle song turns into a sorrowful cry. The choice was never yours to make—the forest has already decided.
Almost forgot! @vieveda, here are your next set of words!
Noun: Meadow
Adjective: Serene
Verb: Wander
That’s one Angry Bird lol @fearthedeer724
Gone was the ever-present sound of gunfire. The survivors had landed in a sea of green, the likes of which they had never seen before. "What is this place..?" asked the airship Captain. The passengers were struck by the tranquil beauty, wandering amongst the long grasses and gazing curiously at the brightly colored flowers. Up ahead lay three equally unusual objects.
The First was long and looked like the barrel of a rifle.
The Second resembled blood.
And the Third was like the houses they remembered from before the bombs fell, only very, very small.
"What should we do with them, Captain..?" A gentle breeze rustled through the grass. All eyes were on their valiant leader and the decision they would make.
Which object are you drawn to, Captain?
[Thanks @fearthedeer724 for the words!]
I know we're all a little excited for Inksgiving but that doesn't mean we should put the game on hold!
Maybe once it is here, though, that'd be okay with me
I know it's gonna be a wild time, especially for you, Bella you're so beloved that you're gonna get ink up the wazoo, I'm calling it now!
Anyway, I think I'll pick...the blood, I guess. Very fitting for me right now lol (sorry, kinda tmi I guess)
I’ll take option three. @vieveda
@fearthedeer724 lol thanks (blushing a ton fr ), I’m flattered really. but seriously, idk what’s gonna happen, or if I’m gonna get anything from this so really just doing it for fun
Roll up, roll up! Option one is still available if you'd like to play!
Gone was the ever-present sound of gunfire. The survivors had landed in a sea of green, the likes of which they had never seen before. "What is this place..?" asked the airship Captain. The passengers were struck by the tranquil beauty, wandering amongst the long grasses and gazing curiously at the brightly colored flowers. Up ahead lay three equally unusual objects.
The First was long and looked like the barrel of a rifle.
The Second resembled blood.
And the Third was like the houses they remembered from before the bombs fell, only very, very small.
"What should we do with them, Captain..?" A gentle breeze rustled through the grass. All eyes were on their valiant leader and the decision they would make.
Which object are you drawn to, Captain?
I'll take option 1 @vieveda ! scary tho...
Life got bad but I have returned to this game now and i am excited about it lol
Captain @BellaTheCow approached the tiny house. Inspecting the windows they could sense something stirring inside. Try as they might, no words or knocking could attract the attention of the occupant. "Never mind" said the Captain, "Let's just leave it be and go find shelter."
[Sorry, you are not the winner this time ️]
Captain @fearthedeer724 could smell the aroma wafting from the strange red liquid. "This... I think this is alcohol!" they said. From adulthood they had only tasted the moonshine made in the trenches. The sweet and heady wine was infinitely more delicious. "Captain!" cried the survivors, "Save a sip for the rest of us..!"
[No win - only wine ]
Captain @raspberry590 had handled any number of weapons during their fighting career. This metal cylinder was not an instrument of war; it was an instrument of a different kind. Blowing into the mouthpiece, a melodious note rang out across the meadow. From the little house, a whoosh of light and sparkles brought forth a tipsy little fairy. "Welcome!" she said, flying fizzily around the Captain's head; "You look tired. Would you like a place to rest?" The Captain motioned to the tiny house. "I don't think we'll fit..." they said.
With a giggle, the fairy waved her arm and the tiny house began to grow. "Don't worry!" she said, "That's what my magic is for!"
[Congratulations! Your fairy friend is glad to help you find a peaceful home in the meadow. ]
@raspberry590 I will swing by soon to drop some comments and likes! Here are your (optional) words:
Noun: doll
Adj: secret
Verb: smile
Captain @fearthedeer724 could smell the aroma wafting from the strange red liquid. "This... I think this is alcohol!" they said. The survivors crowded round, eager to examine the blood-like substance for themselves. "Here" said the Captain, generously passing it amongst them; "Take your fill!" The people cheered, gladly imbibing the wine and raising a toast to their courageous leader.
[Fixed ]
Thank you @vieveda, that was a fun narrative!
Here are the new doors, inspiration from your words and Lewis Carroll:
After falling down a rabbit hole and drinking from a bottle labeled 'drink me', you find yourself shrunk down to six inches tall in a circular room filled with toys. Looking around, you see a large - relative to you, anyway - doll house set next to the table where you found the drink me bottle. At a loss for what else to do with your time here, you approach the building and realize there's something strange about this doll house. For one thing, it is built more like a castle than a house, with looming stone towers, sinisterly smiling gargoyles, and even a moat. You shiver at the eerie atmosphere and steel yourself as you continue toward the shadowy edifice.
When you finally reach the miniaturized castle - which takes a while, you being so small now - you are forced to stop at the edge of the moat. In front of your is a raised drawbridge leading to a castle gate. There is no way for you to tell what lies beyond - the walls of the castle are tall, and the flags flying from the ramparts are a simple purple with no symbols or words. Just as you start to sit down, tired from your journey across the room, a small head with bright orange hair made of yarn pops up at the top of the tallest tower.
"Hahahahahaha!" Cackles the ragdoll maniacally. "I'll let you in if you win!"
Win? Win what? Before you have a chance to ask, the doll continues.
"Guess my secret! Guess my secret!"
"Alright," you call up, because again, what else is there for you to do?
"Hee hee, hehe," giggles the doll, the sound raising gooseflesh on your arms. When it sings out its question, the words appear in a flash, hovering over the moat like someone had written them in giant - well, relatively giant - glowing script on the air itself.
"Answer quick, before the letters fade! Who did I rob of all their marbles, a cat, a hatter, or a jack of spades?"
What do you answer?
Jack of Spades
Hatter @raspberry590
I guess I can do the Jack btw @BellaTheCow, I got your questions ready, but I'm not sure when to post them. I feel like I should wait
Sure! Yeah maybe post them for inksgiving or something, either way, no pressure! Post them whenever you wish. @fearthedeer724
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