27 / 28
Dec 2018

I'm going to try to draw a character creature however, not to enter the contest. I drew the episode introducing the contest and would feel bad potentially winning the reward from anyone else entering.

However, I agree! This is a very simple contest to enter and there's a big prize for it. Really more people should try out for it.

pinned Apr 26, '17

Oh really? I wouldn't feel bad if you won anything.
I think it could join in like everybody else...
Can't wait to see your design. I have a feeling it'll be cute and fluffy!

LOL I was actually thinking about a gross dripping sludge alien with fangs.

The exact opposite! You clever you!
I went for a mix of robot and creature. I might use the design later on. Looks pretty cool so far.
I'm finishing up color.
Right on time for the end of submissons.

You are more than welcome to enter, @PotooGryphon. I've actually set it up so I won't be the only one judging it, and in fact pulled several people who know absolutely nothing about the contest itself. They haven't even seen the episode for it.

It's up to you, though! smile

huffs I just emailed a design. I'm not super-confident, but maybe... just maybe... I can submit more than one design idea?

Don't worry I'm sure it looks awesome!
I think that's one design per person from what I understood but there so many universes to be explored! Having more than one would definitely be interesting!

My advice, do several designs and than decide which one to sent.
It would not be lost, you could still use the characters you've created. And it's always a good exercise for your creativity!

You may submit another design if you want. However, only the last submission will be entered into the contest. All previous entries will not be judged.

Oh that's good to know! I think I'll only have time for one though.
We shall see what happens...

Time to join in for the fun people.
Only a couple of days left to go!

Submitted. Yay!

@Jrej - I couldn't resit. I ended up drawing something cute in the end ^_^ lol

I knew it!
You turned to the cute side.
May the odds be in your flavour!

Submission done!
I've been working on this for the past few days.
Can't wait to see everyone's work.

8 hours to go!
There's still time to join in.
Sketch away, and have fun with it! wink

You actually have more than 8 hours, as I've decided the contest will close at 11:59pm PST on May 1st. smiley

Oh that's cool!
30 hours left to go then!

No excuses now...
Come join us!

Congrats to all the winners!
This was a fun events. Thanks @WintreKitty for organizing such a big event!
It must have been such a commitment to gather this much coins.

I'll continue to farm coins on my side and I hope to launch a similar event in a couple of month.
That's a cool way to promote and interact with the tipping feature. Plenty more I guess!
Maybe a Super Science Club topic to discuss...

1 year later
9 months later

unpinned Sep 12, '19