13 / 77
Jan 2017

Tapastic will always be my first pick because of the forum and nice community. Although it's really hard to get noticed on here.

It didn't take me a long time to gain alot of subs on Webtoons and I do get more comments.
But the star rating is in my opinion a very bad idea. I've found that alot of readers get salty if you don't upload on time etc, therefore down vote you. I've seen this happen to Tapastic artists that also have their comic on webtoons.

I only use it to get peoples comments lol

Tapastic all the way for me.

I've tried using LINE Webtoons as a way to expand the fanbase for my comic Life of an Aspie, but since my comic I guess isn't done in an "in-house" style that would be appealing for that site, I'm not going to hold my breath when I give them another chance later this year once I'm done fixing the art for the older chapters of my comic (which might have been the problem before? Idk.) and with good reason.

Life of an Aspie focuses on kind of a niche subject what with the main character having Asperger's Syndrome. (or autism if you prefer). As a result, such a subject would be lost on the readers of LINE in my opinion who are used to non-complicated feel good romance stories or the silly tumblr esque looking comics that focus on "lol. look at me. I'm such a doooooooooork!" as opposed to any actual substance.

Compare that to Tapastic where yeah, mainstream comics still get the lions share of attention, but to me, the almost 140 readers I have acquired feel like they genuinely like LoaA for what it is and that always makes me feel good as a creator. Whether they like LoaA because of how the subject of Asperger's is handled or because they like the qualities my main character has, I don't think I would get that same kind of reaction over on LINE even if I did have a ton of subs (which I don't). Instead it would be more confused readers, readers making comments irrelevant to the comic, and of course, probably a few snotty readers who think they know more than I do about webcomics if the Twitter feeds of some of the comic creators I follow who use LINE are anything to go by. smh -_-

Tapastic have their own pros and cons. I don't really prefer one over the other but I'll enumerate the good and bad sides of each. Please note that these are based on my experience on both sites.

Tapastic (I probably shouldn't be saying this since this is Tapastic forums after all but I want to be honest):

The good:

  • They have a super nice community and forums
  • The most recent tipping feature. (Very helpful)

The bad:

  • Creators who wants to establish themselves will have a hard time gaining audience since they focus on promoting popular comics. (It's understandable from the business standpoint I mean who doesn't want more traffic on their sites)
  • They focus waay too much the mobile app (which not everyone can download) and slightly neglecting the desktop site.
  • The ad revenue went downhill since the app was created.
  • (Personal) I rarely get any comments here.


The good:

  • Easy to gain readership (I personally don't know what sorcery are they doing there but my webtoon mirror is 1k subs higher than Tap) even if you don't promote it much.
  • More active readers who gives comments. (My characters even have a couple of haters which is amusing for me to read their comments)
  • A chance to be a featured creator (and get paid) if you gain enough audience.

The bad:

  • No notifications when somebody commented on your update (oh yeah you have to CHECK all your post one by one to see if there's new comments which quite frankly I don't have time to do.)
  • The RATING SYSTEM this is the reason why creators find it daunting to upload there and seriously there are trolls there who will give your comics really low ratings in favor of their favorite comics. This is bad if readers there judge the comic by it's rating.
  • There are harsh commenters there and they DO take issues on small updates (example 1 page per week).

There are just my two cents on both sites. Both have good and bad sides but you can always just try it yourself and see how it goes for you.

I'm in the same boat as one other person- I just started posting on Webtoon; so far I havent experienced the crude comments, or whatever. One of the reasons I went on Webtoon was because while my comic has been doing well here at Tapastic- I needed to start trying to figure out ways to generate $$$. Not saying that Webtoons pays(and I DONT care about becoming a "featured" comic), but if I can get the numbers(readers/audience), then perhaps I can get Patreon participants. Like I said, my comic has been doing well on Tapastic views/subs wise, but it was a bitch trying to get ad revenue before the unveiling of the tipping program. So far my Webtoons account has been off to an okay start; hoping to launch my Patreon page & see if I can keep up the positive momentum.

I've had no problems with Webtoons, and have shed loads more readers over there with decent enough interaction. I've not came across anything excessively negative, but there are negative people all over the internet. On the other hand, I can't seem to fathom what Tapastic is trying to achieve, from my point of view, the business-first approach, and therefore the promotion of only certain creators, alienates a lot of other creators. Which sucks.

Webtoon active user here.
I use both Tapastic and Webtoon and adore both place, but if I have to pick one, I probably would pick Webtoon. So far most people have probably listed enough the general pros and cons for you to get a grab of the two different sites. But I just wanna say a few things about Webtoon.

  • Sure it looks like a competitive environment, but it's truly not. When you post your comic for long enough and gain enough reader, your rating will just slowly increase and it's pretty hard to make a dent in your rating.
  • Forum is cool and all, but can you imagine the sh*t storm that would hit us if you grant webtoon and their giant reader base (that consist of good and bad individual mind you) a forum where they can further their discussion? (ngl the thought alone makes me... laugh awkwardly)
  • It's actually not that hard to have interaction with your readers at all despite the lack of notification. It's always fun time for me to scroll through the comment section of old chapters and discover new comments I have not read.
  • In general, the Discover section is actually pretty fair, promotion wise. I have seen both good art and bad art webcomic that were hand picked and put on the recommendation section of the discover's front page. Many also got picked to be put in Weekly Round-up, I don't know what magic they are pulling off but subscribers and readership base, it shouldn't be hard for you to gain if you maintain good interaction with your readers and post consistently.
  • Webtoon is obviously harsher on a creators regarding the length of the update / the time of the update, but that is to be expected since it's a "Reader" environment, unlike Tapastic which I feel like more of a "creator" playground.

100% agree with @69Erocento I also use both webtoon and Tapastic and find there are pros and cons in each.
I find that Tapastic has a better, more creator friendly platform, so uploading on Tapastic is much easier, I like the .png format on Tapastic much more than the only .jpeg thing on webtoon (which decreases quality a lot unfortunately) BUT when it comes to readers i prefer Webtoons more, I have a bigger fanbase there and people are way more into the plot and characters of my comic than on readers on Tapastic.

I'd like to call bull on Webtoon's "promotion" stuff.. I tried updating Life of an Aspie over there for a good little while being consistent and what not...but I barely got any attention for my comic. Hell, last I checked, I don't even have ten subscribers there. Maybe it was something to do with my art? (which I am in the process of revamping to be in line with how Chapter 5 looks color and whatnot) Or maybe LINE is biased? Idk. Either way, I'm going to give them another shot once I'm done revamping chapters 1-4 of LoaA, but even with improved art, I'm not going to hold my breath on being able to build an audience much faster on LINE.

I have over 80 subs on Webtoon and 31 here. I rather Tapastic though because of the community and how I can sort of make friends. However, if you just want to gain subs quick, Webtoon can get you noticed much easier than Tapastic. Doing both is slightly more work because they have different max width/height so you'd have to make your comic at Tapastic's width (940px) and crop it to 800px for every image. I think Tapastic adjusts the size (don't remember, I draw at 940px) but Webtoon won't accept any larger than 800px.

@Aspie_Gamer Last i checked you have 1 update on Sep and another one came out on Nov, unless you have deleted the previous chapters that you said you were posting consistently on there? 2 months gap is a lot for any readers to give you a try. Webtoon readers can be a lot harsher on you for your art, but that is why you need to make up for your art with your story, but I think you didn't stick around long enough to give Webtoon a better taste of your comic. When I first started out I updated around 14 panels every 2 days. I only changed my update schedule when I gained a comfortable reader base to enjoy my comic.

You just need to be more relentless and consistent than that on any site, honestly. There are dozen of new webcomic being published every day on Webtoon and they only have so much space to advertise for you at their own free will. My comic did not even make it up the Recommendation lineup until a month or so ago.

I just recently started posting on Webtoons last week and I gotta say gaining a reader base is super easy. In 3 days on Webtoons I had the same amount of subs as I did over here after 2 months (with no advertising on Webtoons mind you). Don't get me wrong I LOVE Tapastic (I've made a lot of cool friends here) but gaining subscribers-wise Webtoons is massively better imo.

1 month later

My comic is getting a lot more attention on webtoons, but I like tapastic better. I had saved all my files as PNGs and have to change them all whenever I want to upload. It sucks.

Hell, to be honest, they take issues with uploading 4 pages a week. Webtoons definitely leans for quantity over quality over there. On the plus side, as long as the story is good, they won't riff you on the art.

i started in the beginning right with tapas. imho:


only good point it's the forum. if u need help or wanna talk about anything, here u re.
there s also the feedback report who is quite good. u can know how many or who like what, where s it the new comment and how it's going with statistic.
BUT after that, tapastic it's a fail. and to me, after 1 year + here, it's a HUGE delusion. explaining: there re no chance to create an audiance by progression because tapastic carry all the traffic to the big names. maybe just sometime tapas pick someone from the ground and give a limitated highlight, but it's quite useless. 99.9% here re hidden from casual readers who spalsh in the main page.
so, tapas it's nomore a must.
gg tapas.


doesnt own a forum for what i konw and suffer from downvote war, something that for newbie/newcomers it's really a disaster. a dirty war that cause too many problems.
another little problem it's they re more "manga oriented" (so yeha, if u re planning to do a BL manga, look like u have got an easy jackpot XD lol)
BUT they ve got more audiance than tapas, plus their management about readers it's quite wise: they dont push the readers in only 1 direction, to the "big names". they offer many choice and it's a GREAT thing. the chance to be pick by new readers it's MORE right there without any doubt.

Do you mean webtoon format (vertical scrolling style) oriented? Because actually, webtoon readers do not like manga oriented.

Less of this:

And more of this:

Because the majority of them read comic on mobile, so vertical scrolling format is a nom and work better for them. Also I might be popping your bubble but BL manga is easy to thrive here in Tapastic, but nowhere near in Webtoon. Actually, readers tend to be harsher toward BL/GL manga and the majority of them get low rating because of that. Just a head up/warning. (Though that doesn't stop Webtoon readers from enjoying a legitimately good BL/GL comic and some of them do make it big.)

I agree with a lot of what has been said above. Honestly, I've been liking LINE Webtoon more than Tapastic. Since I've posted my comic (shameless plug)545 on both sites on the same day in December, LINE Webtoon has reached 2.2k views and garnered 300 subscribers (just reached that number today, actually ^^), and Tapastic has only reached 600+ views and 35 subs, after a lot of advertising and some participation in the forums. I guess, because of that—the difference in readership—I have been more pleased with LINE Webtoon. However, with the new tipping program in the Tapas app, I hope to maybe turn the tides? At least in regards to revenue.

In regards to LINE Webtoon's rating system, I didn't like it at first, but that's because I tried to join the site originally during the first contest, where the site was first introduced to English-speakers. I had little to no readership then, and very few followers on any social media site, so I pretty much went in there as a nobody. It was/is also my first comic, so I was/am very inexperienced, and at the time, my artwork wasn't as good as it is now. And due to the competitive nature if the contest, my comic's ratings shot down to below a 3/10. That honestly destroyed my self-esteem for a while, and I ended up pulling my comic off the site (and never posted it here either). After two and a half years, I finally started posting my comic again, after many revisions and redraws and character redesigns.

Anyway, I imagine that some of the reason my comic is doing okay now is because I didn't join during a contest, so my ratings are pretty stable at 8.96 atm. I think the main reason that readership grows so quickly on LINE Webtoon is because they show the newest updates first on the Discover page, whereas, Tapastic mainly focuses on comics with a decent following already, trending comics, and other popular comics somehow (as has already been mentioned).

no sorry i mean as style not how the comic it's placed on the site
my eng it's a disaster lol XD

oh, i didnt know about that thing.
im quite scared about the BL legion fans plus i dont like the gender so what i know it's what i read here and there casually...
it's strange how type of comic it's liked based on platform O_o"

Actually, readers there seem to be okay with traditional page format so long as it's readable on mobile (huge text and bubbles). I created a sort of hybrid format whereas each 2 page spread can be linked vertically. So far haven't had any complaints or "too short" comments despite only having 2 pages an update.

So if you want to have a traditional page format for your comic just make sure you can read it on mobile. Do some tests by zooming out your canvas. You will get slammed if your pages are too small to read on Webtoon, that's for darn sure.

I do my the vertical style with huge text and sometimes still receiving comments saying the font is too small LMFAO and the whole too short comment too, I think it's just depend on what sort of readers you gather. Me personally have seen all sort of readers on Webtoon and have a fair share of them myself so despite updating roughly 20-30 pages an update, too short comment is a regular for me.

I just post my traditional pages. I'm not going to change up my format. I put enough work into it; I'm not going to change it up for the sake of "popularity". So far, I havent received any negative feedback to the size of my pages, so I guess they are legible.