51 / 124
Dec 2015

@joannekwan It was great working with you! : D I loved the plot of your comic!
And it shows how much love and thought you put into the cameos; that Ephelia was great, one of my fave cameos on your part >v<

It's hard to choose a favorite, but I think my favorite cameo here is Ri....

I can just hear xem saying something like "but MOOOOOM!!", I love it x'D

Tapastic Winter Fest 2015 Dec 8 :: Haytham by9 @anakarenina


Day 8 and the present is still making it's way around the Winter festival!

Today's episode is on Ana Karenina's series Haytham. What will be Annibal's solution to finding the Tapastic mascot and delivering gifts when crowds aren't his thing? Better ask Inna for help. Oh no! Where's Inna!?!

Ana's series Haytham is a wonderfully done comic series with beautiful artwork and an interesting story about the main character Annibal searching to uncover secrets and save the one's he loves. Why not give Ana's series a good read through and subscribe while you're enjoying today's Winter Fest episode.

@anakarenina If you'd like to share any fun behind the scenes stories about the making of your episode or tell us more about your comic series, please do share! smile

Umm! This is the first time that I work so hard on a collab! haha and it was awesome meeting everyone at the group, they're amazing people, really supportive and tolerant, I'm happy to be in this with you guys!!

About the comic, as Haytham's story takes place in a warm island where never snows, I was really excited to draw Annibal and Inna wearing warm clothing in a winter scenery with snow, I bet they were freezing haha Also, it was going to be larger, but a lack of time made me delete a page. Here are some sketches:

Thanks to @joannekwan and @VeloursRose for being such cool people, I'm lucky to be in between your comics!

Ooh ! A deleted page ?
I wonder what they would say ^^

It's so nice to see Annibal and Inna together after what happened in your main comic... ;_;

I just wanted to say a really really big thanks for all the cameos of my ocs so far. ;w; it means so much to me since I wasn't able to participate in the long run.

Also this has been really lovely so far!

You're still apart of it, in spirit! XD :hug:

Tapastic Winter Fest 2015 Dec 9 :: Not Quite There by5 @VeloursRose


Today! It's Day 9 of the Winter Fun!

Today's episode is on Jax Nguyen's series Not Quite There. It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a gift landing right on top of Ant's head. With Chell and Ant on the case of delivering the gift, I'm sure they'll succeed flawlessly. Check out the episode to see how they crack this case!

Not Quite There is a really fun Comedic comic series following Ant as he adjusts to his new life of dealing with ghosts, aliens, and the supernatural. For a good time, check out the rest of Jax's series while enjoying today's Winter Fest episode, and hit that subscribe button.

@VeloursRose If you'd like to share any fun behind the scenes stories about the making of your episode or tell us more about your comic series, please do share! smile

Maaaaan. This is what I get for 1) failing at updating more comics and 2) not going on these forms more. I wish I could be a part of this >.<

Awesome works guys. Love the story and the co-lab of everyone. It did the trick, found a few new comics that I am following now. stuck_out_tongue

Weeeeeeeeeelllll....I do have some ideas kicking around on how to add more people and simplify the collab concept.

An event where readers ask Tapastic Santa what they want for Christmas and we divide all the requests up among a big group of volunteer artists and draw their Christmas gifts. It'll be like the artists of Tapastic giving back something special to the readers of Tapastic.

I may experiment with this idea in February with another Kiss-O-Gram event like what Feyuca did this last Feb but with a lot more artists, hopefully.

(Examples of Kiss-O-Grams 2015 that I did)

This seems like a nice idea. smile I'd be up for that next year!

Haha oh dear, it was really a trip getting this little extra comic done but it was worth it! I'm so greatful to @CyndiFoster and @noxfox for organizing this really awesome collaboration and keeping everyone on task.

The funniest part of working on the winterfest comic was being able to draw some of the characters! Everyone had some really cute characters and I wish I had more time to put in more cameos but school seriously ate up all my time.:')

Also drawing Ant and Chell in ugly christmas sweaters was a plus.

Not much else I got to say except thanks for checking out the Winterfest and I hope people continue to follow it through to the end! Happy Holiday guys!=u=b

Tapastic Winter Fest 2015 Dec 10 :: Isaac at Life by10 @Thefatzombie


Reaching the double digits now with day 10!

Today's episode is on The Fat Zombie's series Isaac at Life1. How will Isaac deliver gift? If you know Isaac he'll do it in the most awkward way he can. haha

If you're a fan of funny situational gags, give the rest of Isaac at Life a read through. You'll laugh at all his socially awkward antics. Just the thing you need to help get you through your day.

@Thefatzombie If you'd like to share any fun behind the scenes stories about the making of your episode or tell us more about your comic series, please do share! smile

Yay! Hats off to @Thefatzombie for the awesome work on this episode! Really impressed that it got done with such short notice. <3

Love all those episodes and their atmosphere, this package is really mistreated, poor thing.. XD

If I may share a bit of behind the scenes info, about your episode, you really helped save the Christmas collab. Like you might just be the Rudolph at the front of our holiday sleigh. (lol couldn't resist being cheesy)

So originally @hades was our Dec. 10th artist. Hades also makes 3 very beautiful comic series1 which I highly recommend and Hades characters from Tyree of Amarynth can still be spotted as cameos in a few episodes. However, due to very painful tendinitis Hades had to drop out and @noxfox and I scrambled for like a day or two trying to find someone who could join-in in such short notice. Thankfully @Thefatzombie was like "ok" and Nox and I literally just dumped a massive amount of 3 months worth of collab info ontop of him and FatZombie was all like, "ok". lol

And to everyone's amazement, FatZombie was one of the first to submit a final finished episode with everything that was needed added in, cameos, continuing the story, just everything.

Thanks so much Simon for stepping in and being amazing. <3

Tapastic Winter Fest 2015 Dec 11 :: Heroes of Thantopolis by6 @Strontium


Day 11!

Today's episode is on Strontium's series Heroes of Thantopolis. Can the Champion of the ghost city, Thantopolis, help deliver this mystery gift to the Tapastic Mascot? With the help of his friends, anything is possible!

Heroes of Thantopolis is an all ages Fantasy Adventure series that is easy to get sucked into with fun visuals, likable characters, and an interesting mystery to latch on to. Check out the series from start to finish and enjoy getting hooked.

@Strontium If you'd like to share any fun behind the scenes stories about the making of your episode or tell us more about your comic series, please do share! smile

Of course Cyndi!

For the story of this extra comic update, I wasn't sure whether I wanted it to be Trickster or Sagittarius who went around the festival with Cyrus and Xisea, but I thought of a way to include both of them, which was to have Trickster be the character running the HoT booth! It also gave me some time to show Cyrus and Sag interacting, which we'll get more of in upcoming chapters.

Another thing I wanted to include in this comic were some other Tapastic comics that I like that weren't part of our collab group. They are Boulder and Fleet, Sharp Zero, DeadEndia and Jubee Sweetz. I like these comics and I knew I would run out of booths to draw... I did draw all the collab's booths but some of them are covered up by characters XD

When it came to drawing and coloring the comic, I was in a bit of a time crunch, so I cheated a bit on the color palette. I went to google and searched "winter lights" or something and found a picture that I think is of the Watertower downtown (in Chicago) that had pretty colors. Then I stuck the photo in a color palette generator website2 that takes images and creates two color palettes, like this:

I ended up combining the two color palettes for my comic. Here's the end color reference:

It was fun to work on this project but also very challenging! Haha! Maybe next year it won't be such a challenge because I will have graduated college.