11 / 11
Jul 2021

i assumed it was #tapastry_tcc or #tapastrytcc on all platforms solely to avoid confusion with the regular tapestry tag?

i'm also realizing the spelling error as for tapestry it's an E as opposed to our tapas play on the word using A. I imagine the spell error simple remains though when it comes to trending on other platforms since most of us type fast when plugging in tags so even the misspells become large trends (or folks are jumping at whatever seems to be gaining traction? idk :confused: )

Honestly I'm not sure why we really need this "tapastry" hashtag that only other creators on Tapas will know about, when "tapascomics" is already in use, would be recognised by readers as well and doesn't have the same issues as "tapas" (food) and "tapastry" (people who can't spell tapestry).

this was something i'd wondered as well since "tapascomics" and "tapastic" are the most recognizable and most frequently associated with Tapas

Well, it could be as simple as Tapas not only being for comics anymore. :two_hearts:

But I too found it strange that the Instagram tag and Twitter tags are different.

For sure tho

if anything i feel like "tapascomics" and "tapasnovels" would've been simpler hashtags and if tapas insits on the tapastry marketing thing find a way to do boost events similar to webtooncanvas where people can post their work with the tapastrytcc hashtag. that way you get increased engagement for tapas as a site, tapas creators and if you wanna pull in the readers have hashtag events where they can share some of their fave reads (maybe a 1-3 limit)

observation and experimentation to see what works is just the way to working social media and diversifying ads from the umpteenth romance, isekai, "i'm engaged to the emperor" would probably possibly do some good

i've seen some events pop up but like...traction i guess has been an issue and getting folks to know that they've gone up? cuz i definitely missed when they were doing that whole comic/novel meme on tapastry's twitter earlier this month/year :confused:

4 months later