39 / 41
Mar 2021

My first villain hasn't shown up yet, but let's just say...she can be a bit possessive...if you get what I mean :))

Oh, he's introduced in the first panel hahaha. Ki'Nar is an over-caffeinated interdimensional scientist with anger issues and a bizarre moral compass.

thanks for the thread
here are two of my main villain in my stories i really love them and i can't wait to get to draw them some more!

Because you said "Villain" and not "Antagonist", that gives me the freedom to tease like... 90% of my cast.
A favourite of mine is a guy called Angelo Naco.
He's essentially the centre of the universe.
If something bad happens, he's either the cause, was involved or was there to see it happen.

"Don’t think for a second that we’re on the same level, Maria. When I give you some advice, you ought to heed it as though your worthless life depends on it!"

Art by https://www.instagram.com/jazz_on_44/

Claudia Sorensen, leader of the Thomas Bowdler Junior High Popular Clique.

Conniving. Manipulative. Merciless

The most feared girl in her social circle. Perhaps the entire school.

She could make or break (but mostly break) your whole social life.

Cross her, and she'll bury you.

Butter her up, and she'll be your best friend...until she decides to bury you.

Everything she wants, she gets...even if it's your boyfriend.

She is THE LAST person in school you want to jerk around.

This is the main villain, I don't wanna say TOO much about him but he's the guy that really changes everything lol. He's going to really make you question who the real bad guy is
(there's also a few minor villains as well, they're not related to this guy tho)

1 month later

"You're so forward, at least take me to dinner first"

MAJOR SPOILERS (obviously, it's a mystery)


"Perhaps... this is the unrelenting Will of God... and no man can escape Fate..."

Here's the main villain of Arbiter's Wake, Govodawn.
He hasn't made himself known just yet but he's sure to rattle things up.

He was originally a high elf mage that was a prodigy when it came to arcane magics, turned necromancer.

Older design (2009)

Newer design (2020)

This is my villain :slight_smile: I really love the character design and the background story. sadly I can't tell anything about him/her, because I don't introduce her/hom in the comic yet :frowning: and long long time there will be no really important information about him/her :slight_smile:

I suppose the thing about having a strip comic with vaguely political overtones is that you don't really have a villain...

Oh wait!

"Try to relax, mein flieger - think of all the good you're doing your fellow man!" - Franz Teudt

Dr. Franz Teudt is a scientist trying to create a serum to give people superhuman abilities. Let's just say that he isn't the most ethical of doctors...


I'll use one that has already been published! Although there are more villains to come xD

I only joined the Jihad's Moon, oh dear Nadhine, to get closer to you. I even used my brother as an excuse, fooling him as well. - Arash, the f* traitor