16 / 21
Aug 2024

Hi! :heart:

Fun fact about Eve is that she has an angelic singing voice and a passion for songwriting. Fun fact about Irene is that she is an amazing cook, she can turn anything she cooks into a gourmet meal.

(Eve and Irene are from Love Drunk:)

My female lead is only 4'9. She is Mexican and Navajo, and her father was a carpenter.

Akala doesn't age...

In the 1570s...

In the 1990s...

Present day...

She's forever 21... :laughing:

This is Kazuki. He is from my webnovel series called "Ramen Gal" which is a romance slice of life weekly series on Tapas, which I hope you might enjoy since it is close to 25 subscribers. But basically, Kazuki has inspiration from both my old school project I did for my Senior project and he is also the name given to Ichigo from Bleach's son.

His current state

From my old drawing

Daecon cannot get his hair wet. I mean it literally cannot get wet. If he takes a shower or goes swimming the water beads right off. He cannot get it dirty either. This trait established itself when he started gaining access to his Royal Magic. Royal Magic makes it so that the bodies and hair/plumage of royalty cannot be soiled.

When the story starts out Daecon’s hair is blue. When his powers develop his hair sheds the blue dye and reverts to its natural white.

Carmen is a real person. He is actually the author of Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days (and Defining Daecon). Carmen is me. Also, every other character in Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days is a real person but almost all names have been changed. Every event in the story really happened.

Fun fact about my character; Mukhtar is that his name comes from a twig:

He was later reminded of this by his adopted mother; Midha:

When he was 5, he somehow developed a high IQ and thinks this would embarrass him if anyone else find out:

And he could be partially right when he told his adopted brother at the age of close to 11:

back then he did try to get rid of it:

first is burning:

second is breaking, and throwing it away:

third is burying it:

And here is the result:

Why its indestructible? Well, it was made and given to Mukhtar by a powerful entity. An Adamian Angel who saved him from the massacre. He didn't know any of that because he was just born at that time:

Why? Well, I can't spoil that. I'll have to save it for later. If you're interested in worldbuilding, exposition, and lore, check it out:

Shu drinks heavily to silence her inner doubts.

When she sobers up her focus dramatically increases her fighting ability, though doing so leaves her exposed to her insecurities.
Her use of the snake style in this state earned her the codename, "Sleeping Serpent."

9 days later

Tetsu is a traditional Japanese dancer. He specializes in dancing with fans. His second best specialty is dancing with parasols. He dresses in women's historical kimono to do so, and tells a story through dance.

When most folks don't have tools to accurately tell time... then comes Jen-- the timekeeper for the village! You see she has a fancy wrist watch which can record time of events- even birthdays.

My character Eli is obsessed with mystery novels. He used to pretend to be a detective as a little kid.

My other character, Lottie, is actually married. Her husband has been worried sick about her not coming back, so she writes to him once a week to insist she's okay. Lottie can't currently go home do to her work "contract" .