39 / 39
May 2017

Oh hey! I recognize a lot of you lol & it's nice to see you over here smiley

I'm Sylve over at CF, but I don't think i've posted or been active at all for a few months now -- my comic is Gilded Eyes1 -- or as it was known for quite awhile on CF "After Light".

i'm glad you guys are on here because it's easier to keep track of comics if they're all in one place haha

i'm in the process of ret-coning/overhauling and have yet to update the CF mirror ... but I do plan on returning to that place at some point, hopefully soon smile

Whoo, so many CF users hanging around here too. I haven't been super active on any forums for a while now but I think I'm still active enough on CF that people prob know me in passing at least xD

I have Fallacy hosted on tapastic too and the 1st chapter should get an overhaul next week. Or the one after that if things don't go as planned. xD

Woo-hoo! More familiar CF people! Nice to see you all here! XD

14 days later

Just bumping this up for any current and/or ex-Comic Fury people that might be interested in knowing there's a thread for them to post whatever they feel like.

Thanks for the bump.

I'm the other aspect of this work's2 creative team, which is doing just fine over at the CF.

The forums here are at best an afterthought of the development team... it would be nice to have a customizable avatar.

Hi, I missed this thread before! I'm known as thewotartmonkey over on CF. (I'm thinking about changing my username there because ugh)

HeSerpenty I also stick to webcomic art and discussion and community projects over there. It's a lot less stressful up there (usually). I'm allergic to drama lol

It's nice to see so many familiar faces over here! I wanted to ask though--apparently if you subscribe to a comic on Tap but you don't read it on Tap, that can mess up a comic's figures? Because I want to sub to some of your comics here too, but I mostly read them over on CF. I am conflicted!

Thanks MST3KFan for setting this up, what a nice idea!

Former member here. I was banned from the forum back in 2012 for pointing out persecution of Christian street preacher and hypocrisy of the left... (Btw I scored slightly leftist libertarian in a political test...) lol

I'm the creator of MAG-ISA...

Also on smackjeeves... smile

Avatars used to work fine. This is one of the many functionalities that broke down in Tapastic and are not getting fixed. I used to have my Gravatar here, but the second I tried to change it (that was at least three months ago), boom, it turned intro a white box. Maybe I should just display the letter "I", instead...

Hellooo I am Moth(trap) and am trying to dip my toes into this forum but its layout confuses me and I don't know anyone so I am happy to have found a safe space, haha

I'm probably gonna mostly stay on the CF but it's nice to see familiar faces around here too! And also fun seeing who has different usernames and whose are the same on here.

Shame about the avatars :T

Hey, Moth! Nice to see you on here, too!

Yeah, the forums are definitely not the greatest here on Tap, especially when you're used to the separate sections and all that CF's forums have. Hence why I created this little save haven for those used to CF forums and maybe want to still chat with current and former memebers here as well as post whatever...art, stories, etc, etc...

You'd have to have most of the readers never check the comic to have any real change to the opportunity of getting on the trending section so having less active subs too doesn't do much. I don't know the actual percentages of how the thing works but it's not really something you have to worry about. : D

Before leaving CF, I started a collaboration with a small group of artists from there. It's moving slowly, but it's happening. We are hoping to get this done by the summer. I will make sure to advertise it here, too 😀

Ahhhh this is so weird! But I want to be active here too D: Waaahhh how does anyone use the forums!

But hey guys.

Comic Fury was my first comic site, really like the freedom to manage your own site. Greetings to all.

This is definitely a thing. One inactive sub isn't going to do much, but it can add up. When you have less than half of your subs actually reading the thing, that hurts your chance at making it to the front page (Trending).

That said, I too have subbed to some comics here that I haven't begun to read, but I do plan on going through the archives some day. Some day...!!

Hey, hapy!

I tend to use the forums here a bit sparingly right now myself. Like I mostly post in the threads where you show your newest pages, or places where people ask for comic recommendations and all that so far. It's so different from CF forums cause they don't have discussions organized like how they do with stuff like art discussion or general discussion.

I created this thread for Comic Fury people to post their art and converse with other CF people (ex and current) if they want to.


I'm just popping in to say hi. I lurk on these forums sometimes although I don't post a whole lot :V Sometimes I kinda feel like every thread on this forum is a setup for self-promotion so it'd be kinda nice if they relegated that to just one category but oh well.

Hey, Respheal!

Yeah, it would be nice if the forum was a bit better organized, but given they have yet to fix...or even care about the avatar situation I guess tells how much the forum means to the site creators.

1 month later

Hello again, I am leaving Tapastic at the end of the week. for those who are interested in reading my comics or just keep in touch, please check out my website43 or drop me a line at infectedbloodcomics@gmail.com