19 / 20
Aug 2022


I mean... Oh my gosh, I'm so proud of myself, I'm so excited that my entry is finally published...

Anyway, I know that the contest isn't really over yet and submissions close later today. Also, plenty of people here have already published their entries days to weeks ago. I kinda wanted to make this topic as a post-submission hangout. Talk about entry and do a little promo (since audience interaction is part of the contest), your experiences making the comic, and when/if you're posting it to Tapas.

I'll go first, my entry is Lucan: Demon of Lives and it follows Lucan a demon tasked with finding an capturing fallen angels and sending them back to the Ether, the world's heaven. Lucan, while not liking being forced to do this, he does it without much protest until a new decree comes down from the Ether for him to take on another task: finding and killing the Mongrel Demons. Lucan is joined by another demon, who he doesn't get along with, Raphael, with both reluctantly having to take on this job. This first episode follows them as they fight a fallen in a city and also get into a little scuffle with each other.

Now, making this thing... Oh it was a journey. All the initial excitement when the contest was first announced did sustain my motivation for a good while, but eventually I just wanted to work on something else. I think losing that motivation, specifically in the month of May, set back my production speed for a couple weeks. I was slow getting back into making the thing after one week in my where I didn't work on it at all. And resulted in me having to cut the episode up and have the entry finish on a cliffhanger and the final product only being half of what I had planned.

It was a struggle to get what I did get done done, but honestly the worst part was just the publishing process. For one, I made an entire cover only to remember afterwards that Webtoon doesn’t take covers, but I did get my thumbnails from it so it all worked out. And then the blurb for the comic was too long, had to cut it down. I really the original blurb, so that sucked.

Overall I think it was a good experience. It got me working on an idea I've had rattling in my brain for so long, and even if I don't win anything (which I likely won't).

And yea, I will be posting to Tapas, just after the contest is over. Hopefully by then, I'll have the full episode finished. But I'm glad to be able to go back to my other projects.

  • created

    Jul '22
  • last reply

    Sep '22
  • 19


  • 1.3k


  • 13


  • 57


  • 16


Well I just hope webtoons don't pick anyone from patron, or being paid from studios, and only pick by the most likes, and subscribers, that would not be good for the Call To Action contest. If they are looking for new or solo creators that are trying to make a name for themselves or just trying to get exposure for there work and trying build an audience, and tying to get noticed by the webtoon staff. I'll sub to your contest entry. If it's ok here's my entry. I think webtoons should pick the smaller ones with good story, easy to read, fun read, strong characters, and well balanced. How do you think webtoons should pick for entries? Check out my other webtoons, and tapas comic as well.

Gotta say, whether you place or not, the improvement in your work with this compared to a couple of years ago when I reviewed where you were up to at the time on BBS at the time is seriously impressive. This is the best work I've seen from you. It flows great, the scenarios and the monster designs are really imaginative and distinctive, it's well drawn and you should definitely feel proud of yourself for it. :coffee_love:

As I've mentioned before in other threads, I didn't enter (for various reasons like if I placed it could interfere with other contracts and things), but those of you who did, and managed to get through all the work of completing an entry, I hope you celebrate having it done! Treat yourselves, because you've earned it! :tapa_pop:

No that's great! I hoping everyone who published an entry gets the chance to promo here!

I hope they pick in the way you described. It'd be great for an out of nowhere artist or team to get some recognition.

I made a big mistake because of my premature decision to where I should start my story. I should have just started the story right at the battle scene between 2 characters instead of from the intro of the characters, pfft that made the story way too long that I can't fit them all in one episode (hit an upload limit). So I have 0 confidence, and no way to get into the top 10. So I decided to reboot the series on canvas and on Tapas, but it starts at the very beginning and I will change the main protagonist's name from Naoto to Ethan.

Since I have other paid jobs so I will reboot this series as a hobby instead until I get funds to make this a serious project that requires an editor and a team. But actually, I have another series called 'Stellarist' that I will start next year when I see the season for webcomic is good, otherwise, I will jump to Decentraland and start my wearable business there :stuck_out_tongue:

Great work I subbed to your webtoons. Please subscribe to my comic CONventure both on tapas and webtoons.

Exhausted, its been a hell of a time wrangling my ADHD. But at least I got it in not only on time but before the deadline! The worst part was figuring out how to get the choreography right, not only making it look good but keep it in character too.
only reason i have to not be confident is the lack of views but I (mostly) had fun at least.

Thank you for doing this! Here's my entry everybody :slight_smile:

P.S - I did this without sleep and also very little time so I will be making edits later...
Thanks again for making this :slight_smile:

Been excitedly waiting to read yours until I hit the submit button (hey, with 45 minutes left :sweat_02:). I think I will be pleased with the amount of stuff I got done and learned doing it later, but for now just bummed and frustrated with the rush job I did on effects and coloring :tapa_mummy:.

Off to read LUCAN!!

Regardless, I still want to read what you guys put out! Make sure to leave a link for us to see!

I've already been plugging my entry around here for the past week, but heck, I'll do it again XD

(Don't feel obliged to like, sub etc - I don't actually want to win since I'm in grad school and turning down that moolah will be painful - but I won't complain if you do since I don't think I'm in danger of winning top 3 anyways :])

As for how I'm feeling ... yeah :'D2 Reading other entries have helped, and it's so cool seeing so many people I've seen around in these forums participating as well! (Though I'm sad two people I know who said they'd be entering don't seem to have made it :'c)

@IndigoShirtProd This is @migxmeg's entry; haven't read it yet but I dug it up without them having told anyone about it because I've been looking forward to it. (pssst don't tell them or they'd think I'm a creepy stalker :'D)

Thank you :sweat_smile: I meant to do it but urgently had to rot my brain on tv for a couple hours! :heart:

Looking forward to checking out all the other entries here too after some good sleep - we're done!!! :hype_01: great job, all!!

made it LITERALLY last minute, within a minute before the cut off time XD i literally had only 2.5 weeks to execute on the storyboards (had a crazy client deadline beforehand, plus some personal issues too). but im glad i decided to go all in on the contest! i had moments where i literally felt so tired i wanted to quit. I had thoughts of quitting constantly and also negative thoughts of just random things that happened in the past that people said or did would pop up in my head cause when im feeling stress, negative intrustive thoughts pop up, but i persisted. The fact that i even finished my submission on time IS a victory in itself. I literally didn't cook or clean this whole week and barely showered but i feel it's worth it cause i finally broke out of my hiatus, and WHAT a way to break hiatus by making the contest with a minute left to spare. just earlier to day i was working through hunger ways cause I had to skip lunch to finish more panels.

wanted to do sth different with my comic, i dind't want to rely only on cool action scenes for the sake of flashyness but use the genre to convey internal struggles

I made it at the last minute...I almost didn't make it on time coz I'm having thoughts about whether to submit or not. but This is it, it's now or never. And letzzzzgow treat ourselves! it is a job well done and we deserved a good treat! by sleeping. XD Good Job to everyone who joined.

I uploaded mine last minute so I still don't know how I should feel except I CAN FINALLY RELAX 🤣

I was kinda bummed that the quality/resolution was so bad when I uploaded it. Can't help it bc of 20mb limit.

I also noticed that some readers rated those popular series' so low that it doesn't even make sense. Anyways I don't even know if it matters.


Here's my series

I'll be honest, I feel like a Goddess hahaha
I've managed to pull Giri and finish it on the very same Friday submissions closed, I've finished it at 7am (GMT-3), I believe it was... 3am for Los Angeles? I don't know xD

The thing is that I would probably had the Entry ready earlier, but I was working on Love Quotes (BL)'s finale (Webtoon - Tapas), on Yandere City (which I still have to wait for the Author to publish it), making extra content for a few Novel Authors's Patreons and such.

On top of that, I had a quarrel with a family member that left me with almost an entire month of not working properly on anything, I was feeling very down because despite I live of this, I'm not struggling nor experiencing a lack of income or to fullfill my needs and whimps... this relative close to me seemed to ignore my efforts and just claim what I do as an "overfixation".

And as well for @Kuma, who works as a Writer for Video-Games, wrestling and on his own Novel, we both had a lot going on and still I'm so damn proud of us for managing to do everything we wanted to do at the end! I'm not gonna lie, I struggled at the end, I had to take 2 all nighters and even ask him to make a few storyboards so we could have stuff faster, thankfully the idea and concept were already nailed down since we talked about having our own Tokusatsu Hero.

I was working on it normally until I started experiencing problems with the MB, but that was solved faster since I said "Well, screw it, quality down to 75% and done". But I totally and completely forgot about the 100 file limitation!!! So I had to go and trim all my white and black spaces so the +90 panels that I've made could enter! And thankfully they did!

I'm not used to make Action, so this was a great experience, I've also learned a few things regarding Clip Studio, effects, coloring technique and to work with a completely different style to what I usually make for webcomics.

Personally speaking, I couldn't care less about if we won, or if we become popular or yada yada yada. I'm just happy of being able to do something with my partner, commit to my word that I would finish and then continue with all the other stuff that I'm doing hahaha.

Of course, we're planning on continuing Giri on our free time, obviously after we rest a bit.

I don't know, I feel inferior~
I've been doing webtoon for 6 years but I feel that I've been left behind~
there's a lot new creators that become originals in just matter of short time, well to be honest their art and story are better than mine~
I already reach 54k subs just now but others already reach above mine for just a week or a month~
I know I don't have chance to win but at least I hope I reach top 5 maybe, that would be a great achievement to me but if not maybe it will just my confidence again as a creator~
This is my last try to become originals~

1 month later

closed Sep 5, '22

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