32 / 171
Mar 2021

Laught-EGG is a good way to EGG-sercize your stomm-EGG

Hope these PANS were a good EGG-sample

Omelette you finish, but my eggo keeps egging me on. So beat it and scramble. :sunglasses:

See this egg? That's the main character, I heard he was suddenly auctioned and gosh the price was pretty eggspensive! Now he's questioning his eggsistence.

I wasn't sure eggs-actly what you wanted. I dozen know if this will land sunny-side up or over easy, but this was my brain's scrambled idea:

Why did the celebrity egg lose all of her friends? They all thought she was a shell-out...

Egg puns? This'll be a great eggsercise. This is eggactly what my humor need. Eggciting.

... Okay, enough egg puns, that's eggshausting

Egg puns? I got one that'll make you crack up.

Ah wait- Are puns yolks? I like to think they are.

But forgets the puns and the yolks, I have the henest truth that will scramble your brains.

The egg came first. With eggvolution, a creature that resembled a chicken would had laid an egg, and that egg, out from its shell , would be what scientists would considered a chicken. So there you go, the answer to the never ending eggbate of which came first, the chicken, or the egg.

I rest my case.

It's a humpty dumpty reference. Figured with being Cumbrian I may as well craic the egg.

As an Indian, I've been around excellent English-speaking individuals who defy the reason to even create an egg pun when they pronounce exactly as 'eggjactly' all the time. As someone who used to do the very same thing as a child, I am proud to be able to wear this easy batch of eggs on my chest, with a bright and sunny smile. :smile:

Where do chickens get their knowledge from?
An egg-cyclopaedia

Not very eggstatic about my lack of or-egg-inality with these yolks. I was going to b-egg someone to eggstend a hand to help me but now I have crack outta my shell.
Now I shall take part in this and eggaggeratedly sound eggsplosively eggcited and whisk an eggcelent, eggstravagant, eggstraordinarily bad yolk.

May this e(gg)vent be successful!