56 / 171
Mar 2021

aww this picture is really cute :slight_smile: I looked into your webcomic and I really like your art style and the story looks also really interesting :slight_smile: I leave a sub <3

Gather round, my chickens, and I will tell you a most eggcellent tale about a man, whose skin is as pale and fair as an eggshell, and a woman, whose skin is as healthy, luscious, and brown as a freeranged chicken eggshell. His life has hardly landed sunnyside up, and her life has been scrambled as scrambled eggs since the beginning--however, this hardboiled egg don't crack easily, and she is determined to rescue the pale man before someone cracks him, and his pristine yolk is spilled. Joining them on this adventure is a most devilish, deviled egg by the name of Them, and a most orderly, high-class, grade A egg by the name of Kori. Together, can these eggs overcome their spoiled, yolky insides inherited by their parents and become healthy, fullgrown chickens of their own?

Follows Tapas guidelines: Yes


Is it bad that I laughed at a couple of my own egg puns? XD

I've got a pun that will CRACK you up. Wait, no, I'm too CHICKEN to tell it. Just EGGNORE this comment.

I present you! :smug_01:

An egg-quisite pun!

...Yeahhhh, that was horrible, I'll see myself at the eggs-it now...

I still wanna win though-

Here's an egg pun that will crack you up...

What's an egg's favorite type of coffee?
An eggspresso!

I guess I'm quite the Practical Yolkster...

I have seven million other things to do and deadlines to meet, but instead I spent an hour of my time drawing my comic characters as eggs. Thank you, Tapas.

Mortimer that's the prop, you should be wearing the bunny outfit--

Ah. Well, it seems his outfit got scrambled.

Going to school at Thomas Bowdler Junior High will have you walking on eggshells.

The things they say will scramble your brain, crack you up, and leave you soft-boiled.

How to know if a chicken has a fever? Just check if she lays Boiled Eggs.