355 / 671
Aug 2021

Wow, just got back from my medival- weekend xD wow this got big! I'll finish mine by tomorrow ^^

I need to do some changes though, as my chara is nr.1 and I started with her having some flowy hair. But it's no problem :slight_smile:

I feel like this should be an annual thing :hype_01: I don't know if you meant for this to be so big but it's actually a really fun collab idea @Legendofgenii

@feuersichel Medieval weekend sounds like great fun! :grin:

This became so much bigger than the original 21. Had to wiggle things around a bit to make more room. :sweat_02:

If you want to swap for one of the new slots (so you can still do the big hair), just let me know before they go. :blush:

62, 63, 64 & 65 are available.

Wow this got so huge, super cool! Can I grab slot 62? :grinning:

I take it we can't double dip with our characters?

I got delayed and was unable to finish swolbi (29) yesterday as planned (sunday) will try to finish it today after work (almost done), the chibi pile is looking awesome so far :smiley: :thumbsup:

Aaand here is mine :smiley:
Feel free to cut away any hair that is in the way of other characters ^^'

This is actually my first full digital drawing and I had waaay to long to finish but it was super fun
Edit: I re uploaded the image as my black background showed all the little colors out of line x,D