480 / 671
Sep 2021

I've added some of the instagram/Twitter names to the artist list, but if yours is missing just tag me and let me know. :wink::+1:

My instagram is migxmeg and no objections whatsoever to sharing.

This is the most beautiful pile of anything I've seen all year :coffee_love:.

Considering all those people contributed to the collab, I have a hard time imagining anybody having a problem with being tagged

I think you can start drawing your OC since you're the first claiming #70. Don't need to wait for approval. :slight_smile:

Also @Legendofgenii I don't have Instagram but i do have twitter. /webcomicMAOR2

I forgot to tag my instagram too :sweat_smile: I'm pretty sure we follow each other but just so its easier to keep record here it's @soriible