14013 / 19130
Dec 2022

@nathanKmcwilliams see you at Ski's and on Insta then :wink:

@Flug thanks! :coffee_love: I feel like I need to do more art with them together exclusively, even if it hardly suits the canon :sweat_smile:

@wispysing aw, he's so cute 🤭 you can do it! :muscle:
I do feel like my spirits and inspiration are going down the closer it is to New Year's too :nervous_candy:

@Kelheor Ah thank you! I feel in my case it might be because of a much busier schedule and family visits. :sweat_02: Here's hoping we regain our spirits towards the year's end :hype_01:

I have a question for you my sketch friends, I don´t want to open up a topic in the general forum about it.

What do you start with when you sketch a character?

I know that a lot of people start with the gesture and also a lot of people who start
with the head because it´s easier ot measure the proportions when they start with the
head. I never start with the head, the head is actually the last thing that I sketch after
drawing the whole body. I always start with the torso and the first thing I draw is the
chest because I feel that it´s the most important part to show the pose and for it´s
easier to measure how big the head has to be when I know how big the ribcage is,
the head is around the size of the sternum when you draw realistic proportions but
I do the same when I draw 4 head propportions for example. Always torso first

Okay, 10 minutes on this one, ref used. The question is how to make myself do them every day xD I guess I should put an alarm clock on this. I am thinking about it more than I spend time on them, time to change this sh$t. I will have much more characters next season and I need to prepare how to draw them and their clothes. Time to start figuring them all out and be better at drawing clothes :triumph:

I think that´s a great excercise and 10 minutes is good.
10 minutes should also be possible as a daily excercise but I know how it
is, there is so much to cover when you do daily excercises

I will try to make more time for exercises :doggo_shook: I will try to finish the lines of 2 pages today and take a look at Proko course, picking up anatomy is long overdue.

I like that and I think practice is great.
It is hard for me to find a balance between practice and being productive.
In music it´s easier for me because I play in a very primitive style and playing
shows, recording songs, rehearsing with the bands, writing songs is being
productive & practice in one. It´s all fun and you get better at your instrument.
I haven´t found something like that for drawing comics. Studying, doing line
warm ups etc is no fun and it leads to a burn out when I do it too much.
Drawing comics or characters is not as effective as studying anatomy.
The amount of theoretical knowledge is just bigger than it is in making music,
at least in my case

@wispysing you're doing awesome! especially around this time of year

@Lensing these studies look very helpful

@Kelheor for 10 minutes you managed to pack in a ton of folds in the clothing materials.

I usually start with a line for the spine, then map out the basic shapes - so gesture I guess. :sweat_smile:

I draw the face & eyes last. :eyes:

I usually start out with the head, then torso, then limbs. Sometimes I'll draw tje head and then a line of action afterwards.

@LCT_m_a_d aw thanks! :grin:I have like 20 thousands references, gotta use them all :joy:

@Legendofgenii omg, spine, really?? It feels so strange to even read someone starts with a torso or a spine, I would never be able to make anything out of it! 🤯 this kinda explains you guys being so good with full bodies though.