14962 / 19078
Mar 2023

@Katzalcoatl thank you :cry_01: She-ra is one of my favorite cartoons alongside atla :coffee_love:

@IndigoShirtProd I love them ! Is it caramel candy ? I love caramel :coffee_love: I used to watch drawingwiffwaffles on youtube and she had a similar series where she drew candy as people and I loved it !

@candiedcotton welcome back my dude ! :hugging: I'm happy you're back(hopefully okay too) I think I speak on behalf of everyone here when I say we missed you :coffee_love:
Foreshortening is like the hardest thing and you just nailed it! :clap: white hair and blue eyes please sign me up :heart_03:

@Kelheor try to take a breather maybe go on a picnic if the weather allows it :thinking: doing another activity (and succeeding) tricks my brain into thinking that im not gonna fail my next drawing :joy:

Never rendered legs this good in my life

Daaaaaamn they look amazing indeed! :hype_01:
Haha yeah, I wish I could say yes to a picnic, but Russia in March doesn't really allow a lot of outside activity xD
The trick with successful activity sounds nice though :smirk:

Ikr !! Now I have tho prepare myself for the dissapointing parts that im gonna do badly because of lack of experience/understanding :cry_01:
You're from Russia :open_mouth:?! Wow it must be super cold there I could never live somewhere that cold :sob: my species needs sun to thrive I would wither and die without it in just the first month :joy:
Do you like baking? I enjoy it from time to time especially when our lemon tree bears fruit and I can make lemon cakes and lemon bars :yum:

It will be alright! :muscle: you used lasso tool, did you? :thinking: these sharp edges on the shading look just great.
Haha yeah, I am ^^ I lived in 3 different cities, south of the country is definitely my preferred region xD we even have palm trees growing there, in the small area where it's the warmest. Unfortunately we don't live there anymore, but our families do, so we come on vacation sometimes :hugging: It's around +17C there right now, which unfortunately, is not the same for us here :joy:
Ugh lemon cake sound too nice. I could totally go for brownies or blueberry crumble now.... And maybe I will :smiling_imp:

Yeah I used lasso for the first time and honestly I wasn't disappointed ! Palm trees :open_mouth: I used to live in the capital in the north, now we live middle/south(on the coast line but the sea is not good in this area)(almost a year now) it's super hot that it hardly rains during winter :sweat_smile: I had cheesecake for breakfast :sunglasses: I vote for Brownies.

@SargentAlchemist thanks so much! Unfortunately I don't really do promos or collabs, because none of those ever worked for me, so yeah, sorry about that :sweat_smile: but I am always up for a friendly conversation :grinning:

Make contacts are always good in the art comunitty, it really helps me a lot! I have an art accpunt on Instagram, would you like to follow each other there for growing more? :blush::green_heart:

Thank you! I always have this weird push and pull to post something. Like no matter how much I dig what I made, the second before posting I think "naw, no one needs to see that." I am raging against that thought, though, so no worries.

And we all could use more awesome She-Ra drawings in our life. Holy crap, those legs are AMAZING!

Imposter syndrome do be trolling us but we will persevere :hype_01: Your art is awesome it will always be a treat in this thread !

Erlangen definitely is Gs oldest, biggest and artsiest comic festival. Book a bed early! Erlangen in itself is a nice little Hugenotte and university city (with an especially brown past, that is). If you come some days earlier you can add the beer festival in the caves north of the city. For comic contacts after dark it used to be the Schwarzer Ritter/black knight (a tribute to Florian Geyer, a rare noble to switch sides and carry the black flag of the farmers revolution).

Something foul I imagine. As Kermit the Frog once said, “it’s not easy being green”.