15098 / 19078
Mar 2023

I've been kinda sick these fiew past days and couldn't get much done but I managed to spend some time working on my she-ra fanart
I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner but I got overwhelmed :cry_01:
@l_vi thank you :blusht: ! I actually still dunno what im doing :joy: and English is my third languages so no worries :sweat_smile:

@Katzalcoatl she's actually a witch :coffee_love: Her design has more details like red roses tattoos on her thigh :hohoho: And a mark on her collarbone/chest area glows a tattoo when she uses magic plus a scepter. I get lazy to draw em :sweat_smile:

It´s great to be able to go straight into lineart.
I never sketched anything when I was young because nobody ever showed me and
I always thought that´s how every comic artist draws

@bunny I absolutely love how you render skin! That looks amazing. :heart_02: Hope you feel better soon too!

@DanielRKM You should be proud of that drawing! The end result is stellar! :heart_01: Definitely gonna check it out on Tapas asap :hype_01:

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