15137 / 19078
Apr 2023

oh wow really?? that's interesting, but maybe it was a blessing in disguise, you probably saved a lot of time over the years without realizing it haha.

Haha, I wish.

I didn´t really care for a long time. I focused on making music at a certain age and
got back to drawing 8 years ago. I really had no clue about the human body and
not clue about drawing techniques. But everything has it´s time :smiley:

I'm glad you like it :cry_01: I had fun trying a more loose style with textures without worrying about it being perfectly blended :coffee_love:

Had to Google that up :joy: I think u did great with the likeness !:hype_01: Your art is just a blessing tbh :coffee_love:

Thanks, @bunny :coffee_love: it really means a lot. I have so many things eating my brain out with a spoon right now regarding my art lol.

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You're all so productive! everything here is so good! ;__;

I 'm going to do more stuff like this. Gotta do the reps, man. ᕦ(ò_óˇ) Also I don't draw at all outside page updates and it's not very fun.

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It was Mai's birthday yesterday, so I drew some sketches of her at different stages of life.

Middle School (fancy black suit) - Takes school extremely seriously and often participates in music competitions. Few rival her academically because she beats up anyone who does better than her.

High School (gakuran) - Went full-throttle into delinquency by tanking her grades and getting into fights for fun at her new school. She gained a sense of ethics(?) around fighting, only beating up willing participants. Unknowingly pushes classmates away with her arrogance, even though she's generally chill and friendly. Still enjoys playing piano, but doesn't do competitions anymore.

Adulthood (short hair) - Her teen years were a lot rougher than she'd like to admit. She's in a better place now, but that hasn't dulled her hunger for attention. That's okay, her current job allows her to feed it. She's not able to get into fights as much, though. As much.

I took about a two month break from the Regro comic and now starting work on Chapter 2. It'll still be a long time before anything gets posted though.