15446 / 19124
May 2023

I need to rethink those legs :thinking: but here’s a little sketch of Lupo racing around. :smile:

Anthro legs are so tough! The human heal/bone structure makes the most sense from a locomotion standpoint- but with Valor I did more of a wolf's foot. Each time I draw it I think- "well, good luck running with those." :joy:

Finally was able to finish the next page of my comic today! I really like how it came out

Yeah, I'm not quite sure either....

Okay, not a sketch, but a new piece of my process.

I'm working on pitching a series and dividing the various steps up on the cork board to keep myself motivated and organized.

First note on the board, reminding myself to breathe and enjoy the process. I don't suck. If I feel I do, I should just play music for a little while until I can turn it around (and then get back to work).

@Legendofgenii he's so precious :cry_01: but I see what you mean xD

@DanielRKM ah damn, that's a good note! So right. Best of luck with pitching! :hype_01:

I am kinda doing stuff but also kinda not because I am at low point, so I am also trying to make myself a bit happier :smirk:

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang (using the acceptable amount of "a"s for a base forum note).

Good evening my sketching friends.
I had my first day as a drawing teacher.
The kids are great, they are crazy and funny, a lot of imagination.
We drew comics right away and filled some pages.

Tomorrow I will show them how to sketch with a pencil and
we´ll do this little drawing game with a sketch of a figure,
one kid draws a head, the next one draws the torso, the next
one the legs. That way I´ll teach them basic anatomy without
making it too boring

I had to create a new dress for Betha-busa during the Alliance Earth crew arrival and Meet 'n Greet! I took the sketches pictures with my iphone. I apologize for the horrific shadows!

This pic of her below was done way before I even thought of Betha-busa. It must've been subconscious because I ended up using this design just now for that special event in "The Watchman."

And this is one of the friend of Teeabu, Prince Meintein characatures!

Me when I turn the most well known fighter pilot from the First World War into a robot and give him a friend who’s the bane of his existence. For webcomic purposes.

There is one thing that I realised in the comic class yesterday.
Kids love violence! :smiley:
30% of the comics that they drew were really violent. Some started harmless
with a snowman, in the second panel the snowman already killed someone,
third panel the snowman had a cut off head on his pitchfork.
I think I loved stuff like that too when I was a kid.

Nowadays I love drawing people hugging and kissing each other :smiley:

Some of my recent warm-up sketches of Na‘el and A from Xenoblade, as well as a concept for a timeskip design for my comic‘s protag uwu

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This is before the effects and still looks good

Really happy how this turned out to be... with the effects and the coloring and looks larger-than-life feel