15462 / 19124
May 2023

Some of my recent warm-up sketches of Na‘el and A from Xenoblade, as well as a concept for a timeskip design for my comic‘s protag uwu

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This is before the effects and still looks good

Really happy how this turned out to be... with the effects and the coloring and looks larger-than-life feel

I finished flat coloring recent batch of pages so I deced to take a break and do some sketching. I follow the art @kooleen on instagram and was inspired to make some art similar to her style.

@LCT_m_a_d always glad to see you here! :hype_01:

@Lensing so how many days is your course for kids? :grinning:

A few panels of Yara stretching. It was fun to draw xD

This one was 3 days long, I have some coming up which are only 1 day.
I´m also hired to do comic jams in a park in my hometown which is super cool,
this will be all ages.
I learned a lot in the 3 days now, a lot of things which I didn´t exspect and
which I will consider when I prepare the next class

The mnods should put a limit on how many times you can post in promotion threads to prevent people from just.... Flooding every single share your story thread the attosecond they update.

I think there should only be one big promotion thread, that would solve a lot of problems.
But I guess that´s not realistic because people would open new promotion threads daily
and the mods would be busy closing them

Goodness, who's world to they think they're saving posting in promotion threads so often? I don't remember being that desperate when I started and I was desperate.

@IndigoShirtProd I messaged them that this method is terribly useless, but then realised people don't see any notifications, including getting a DM :doggo_shook: hope they will fix the forum soon

bruh. lol

Not trying to sound condescending about age here, but perhaps that person is very young and is just following the hair-brained schemes of the internet -- "post and promote yourself everywhere! do it all the time! do it for likes and follows! post post post! you'll get where you want to be if you posttttt!"

I try to be understanding of that, but it doesn't make it less bothersome.
Why don't they just pick 5 max, and chill?

But also possible bot behavior??? Definitely needs a mod taking action. I feel like that's illegal forum behavior. lol

Big sigh... :cry_swag:

Nailing down this character design has been a real ongoing process. And while I'd prefer to make the comic black & white the realities of the game is that colour is required.

Wasn't able to draw anything for myself since we came back... where the hell is all inspiration :werebork:
So, some nice looking Yara for another strip

Reading comments under strips that Dark been posting in Peekaboo (Russian Reddit) and it's really funny how readers go from "what the frick is with her hands" to "OMG you understand nothing, it's not a bug it's a feature" when someone else randomly asked if the artist can't draw the hands :joy:

Hello sketch-a-day people, I know it's been awhile. I have a doctorate now (bragging about it feels pretty much obligatory). Anyways, back to some standard doodling.