15990 / 19091
Jun 2023

I was supposed to work on my comic and Art Fight attacks today. Instead I drew myself as a bat furry.

Worth it

Today's Ivan Kupala, big folk (pagan) holiday, but I already have "a couple in wreaths and fire" art, so I am finishing this very folk-looking Bel

Potential snotty hair resolution/Auntie Artemis Origins.

Welp, the internet done dried up in my part of the sticks so now I have to take a picture of my iPad to show anything here :persevere: :joy:

No sketches lately, just panels. Drawing dogs brings such joy :cry:

As of today, I started drawing my webcomic seven years ago. In honor of Tall Poppy Syndrome's seventh anniversary, I drew this: Lots and lots of characters from the comic (most of them unimportant). Hooray!

The continued snot-hair chronicles:

Artemis: Well, we can always burn it out.
Penny: Dear God, no. Don't!

(You may think I'm joking but this will all be in the book).

And so ends the snot-hair chronicles. Telekinesis for the win… quickly followed by a revelation that maybe a personal boundary was crossed.

Will I be done with in inopportune goobers anytime soon? Who can say?

Some recent character sketches. Just working out the designs of some of them.