16505 / 19124
Sep 2023

I agree with the shorter limbs. Here's a quick graph I found on the googles featuring Toddler vs Baby sizes (featuring undisclosed ages) from 6th Ave Second Hand.
There's a bit of foreshortening on the baby limbs (so beware) but it looks pretty legit to me. Good luck and squish those baby features (newborns are VERY squishy).

Thanks... I did shrink her slightly and not going to overboard and I think this looks a bit better than the first attempt.

One useful thing to remember is that our heads grow a lot less relative to our bodies. Our bodies get like.... I dunno, 7-10 times taller (?), but our heads only get 2-ish times taller through our lives. I grabbed this google image of a "mom and baby":

You can see that mom's head is only a little bit larger than the baby's. So when drawing kids I usually give them pretty huge heads relative to their bodies, and heads only a little bit smaller than the adult's. I usually do something like eyeball the adult --> figure out the child's head size relative to adult --> give the child a body based on the size of that head.

Speaking of children - did some work on Engram today!

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My favorite comic ever is Kill Six Billion Demons. i really like the idea of a normal highschooler being dragged into a fantasy world and forced to adapt.

My Oc is a Kpop fangirl who was at the wrong place at the wrong time and now needs to learn how to kill gods with her fists in order to stop the world from exploding.

Figure drawing training plan. I do the Loomis mannequin
daily, I spend 55 minutes on it and do a different angle
every day.

Then I do the same with a reference picture. It´s way easier
for me to draw with the Loomis method than it is to draw with
other methods.

This is how the parts look like

I have two weeks to build up a buffer before my hiatus ends, wish me luck

Saw this done in a sitcom and wanted to recreate it with the circus trio.

Some mucking about with an old Manga book I found.

I haven't drawn in like 2 weeks. Back to flats. Ignore the blank spots in flats,I need to redo the panel lines.

Anyway, here's some plant ombre coloring for your day.

--Also don't be deceived. The coloring took like fourty minutes since Medibangs paint fill thing I'd trash--

Everything is a finished sketch if you're brave enough.
Some loose lines to start the day. I have some plans for October, but I guess I need to collect myself before that.

Some seconds quick sketches from memory, I don´t know why I sketched in green today.
I´m back in my schedule and timer thing and it feels good. I got a lot of things done this
morning and I´ll go on my daily walk now to learn songs


Someone in the comments asked when will we return to making MOM. It made me really happy and sad at the same time, because I don't know. So I drew myself Pinky because he's that character that makes me terribly happy and motivated for some reason.