16558 / 19084
Sep 2023

I am so very sorry about your friend @rumpenstiltzkin :broken_heart: I know there's nothing in this world to lift your sorrow, but it's good to know you had each other company for so long :heart: he was loved so much and so were you

I'm so sorry. That is why I changed my mind about becoming a vet (it had been my dream since I was a kid!) I know I could never bring myself to end the life of a cute animal, even in mercy.

IT'S OFFICIALLY FALL!! Well, at least where I live. Farewell to the season of chlorine and sunblock and welcome to the season of pretty trees and sweaters! I have been in such a fall mood all week, and I am so, so excited that I can now officially celebrate. The pumpkin spice lattes, the brisk breeze, it's no wonder fall is going to be the best season. Anyways, enjoy these little pumpkin doodles I did subconsciously, something that really never crossed my mind to draw. .

@Lensing they are multiplying! :grinning:

Another 20 mins one. I know I am in my comfort zone, but a quick sketch is a quick sketch.
Also if you ever wondered how easy it is to render a character with no nose that still has a nose - it's a pain :joy:

Still doing the comic! This are most of the secondary characters that will appear. I thought that that would had been enough, but I forgot about the 8 others characters that play 'spin the bottle', so I am designing them now instead of drawing the comic xD
In my defense, I already had in my mind how would they look, but I forgot to actually draw them until the page where they appear came out n_nU

Maybe my favorite drawing of Penny (I might need to rethink the character sheet because these shapes are doing it for me) and an angled Artemis (that I don’t think I screwed up).

Also, we just got an embroidery machine AND figured out how to make our own files (it’s a process). The Monkey Bunny logo was the first test. I can’t wait to make patches, y’all! Merch table patches!!!!!

I'm envious! :flushed: :persevere: (me with very little sewing experience)
Wanna see more!

@Aleksei loving the personality in your characters postures, outfits, and expressions!

@Callaxes these color studies.

@Kelheor with no nose in sight, can Beleard be booped?

@allenT yeah, no sewing talent from me either. My wife Jessie is pretty stellar but this embroidery machine really ups our game. With my knowledge of vector art and her craftiness, we will be unstoppable. It’s OLD, though (I’ve never seen memory cards this big before- Jessie calls it “first one’s tech” :joy:).

Another day another concerned Penny.

@Callaxes I love it :sparkles: :coffee_love:

@DanielRKM only in front and 3/4 view :joy:
how are the patches doing??

I really need to try and finish some WIPs. Wow why is it so dark here, it wasn't like that in the file.

I just put the final touches on my nightmare scene, here are the shadow demons from them.

In the process of rebooting my Etsy, so I made a new shop logo last night

@Kelheor patches are coming along swimmingly. We just raided my mom’s old sewing shop for thread (one of her in-house lasting legacies) so we are good to personalize for a while (selling patches is a bit too intense (and would probably leave that to the big time companies), but we are going to personalize the heck out of our clothing for a long time).

@allenT Can Tery please get a spin-off series? And would it bring more (or less) stress to your life? :joy:

Sad Artie. Had a hard time cracking her expressions, so I looked to Tamberlane for the facial sadness shapes. That comic is just chef’s kiss for emotionalism. I didn’t hit those heights, but I’ll take it for now. For now…

Well, Tery is more prominent in further story acts, but I could plan some appearances in possible comic shorts in the future. Added, he will have a small appearance in upcoming pages so that's that. :slight_smile:

Thank you! I am integrating Pinterest more into my workflow for those reasons~ Looking at 70's magazine photos really made wonders to the neutral poses!