16596 / 19091
Sep 2023

I like how it looks, every time I try something like that it ends up looking horrible

A mix of quick sketches which I do while writing a christmas story and the daily Loomis routine,
today was back view day. I think I will continue doing this, I sketched on the train today without
reference and I feel like my freehand drawings got a little better. I´m still far from being able to draw
freehand without sketching, it always ends up looking like I´m 11 again

I went to Little Tokyo in Düsseldorf today, I ate running Sushi and soup, bought a lot of comics
in the comic shop and some Mochis for my niece

Really feeling that :see_no_evil:
So yeah, working in warm, but not overly crazy tones seems to be fine. Basically start with brown/deep reds. Also adding just a bit of very bright ones where the light might hit hard!

Oh, I tried the video service @Legendofgenii recommended, let's see if it works.

It does, yay!

Not been v productive lately, but here's Eliaz being vulnerable bc apparently you're not a character in this story unless you've cried so

Wanna come sit with me on this couch? :couch: :smiley: :art:
Tapas Magma Artboard is now open the theme is Relaxing
Here's my wip of Owen playing videogames but you are welcome to draw your OC doing anything you find relaxing on couch. For your OC's height reference Owen is a 12 year old boy, around 4.89 FT (149 cm)

Realized I never posted the finished sketch from the previous Tapas artboard, so here's a snap of it, had collaborated with @zixixibi and @rien

Drew this guy:

@Kelheor Gorgeous linework and love the hand pose :hand_splayed: :art:
@Lensing awesome Christmas spirit sketches! :christmas_tree: Yep a real cool challenge using zero references on those back sketches too? :bullettrain_side:
@KSlinger lol @ crying cast of characters, thinking about it my series may not be too far behind. Awesome job capturing that feeling of him hiding it with the thumb and shades :thumbsup:

Okay done.

I think.

I don't know the program but it reminds me of something from Linux.

I think I can almost draw the Loomis turnaround without reference, I just look at it one time
when I do my daily warm up.

My goal is to be able to draw characters without sketching. I´m getting a bit better at things
like measuring the distance between the pelvis and the ribcage or the length of the arms

Morning quick sketch.
No dairy / milk products since 4 weeks, my skin has never been better.
I also stopped drinking coffee because it didn´t taste good without milk

@Lensing I like her style :smirk:
Also your Loomis routine is inspiring in its symmetry! Really looks like a good exercise for that.

Late night sketch. I have some... feelings for interactions of these two in the modern world au x)

Thank you <3
I think I will start some mini episode with her, the first episode could be
her job interview where she meets one of her arch enemies

I want more information :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Started sketching Owen onto the magma artboard, been working on this slowly on the side while focussing on the next sick boy episode. The artboard link incase anyone wants to join, all are welcome to draw their oc next to mines on couch

Loomis turnaround almost with no reference, still sounds amazing! True, your goal without sketching/ prep work sound like it would be a timesaver as you draw your exact vision :thumbsup: That's so cool you seeing the results in your anatomy measurements, keep it up! :smiley: Brings back memories of live drawing and anatomy classes, I never kept up with the exercises post studies so your practice is inspiring to see :art:
Also nice sketch with girl and her luggage and didn't know that about milk, good to see positive results from it :muscle:

@Kelheor love the late night interaction sketch

@Lensing I suppose I will make this a short extra some times later :smirk: ...after I finish the actual canon thing I'm already doing now xD
All that "two people wearing expensive suits meet at the bar at night, look at them playing with each other" is too non-canon to start with :tapa_mummy: I guess it's the first time I have such an interesting combo of characters, they just give me a lot of inspiration.

@stiatent thank you! It's really great how you're doing so well in both 3D and 2D! 3D stuff is so alien for me :grin:

Love how these two panel sketches came out so far! ^^

Another attempt at using Calligraphr to make a font based on my own lettering

It definitely needs some tweaking. Some letters sit too close to their friends.

Looks great! I used Calligrapher to make my font, too (I think, it was years ago). It takes a couple of tries to get right but it's sooo worth it. I'm never going back.


I feel the best way to letter is by hand, but that's pretty much the hardest skill to develop and the least appreciated one in making comics.

Tweaked the font a bit. I might try it with a comic to see how it works in context.