I did some sketches for some warships in the world building project I do for fun, along with a caption to help offer a glimpse into that universe.
The Capital Navy operates 31 treasure fleets with each one of them having aircraft cruiser as its flagship.
Due to the lack of oil refinery, the ships of the treasure fleet have to rely on the olive oil offered as tribute for fuel during their voyage.
The treasure fleets can only visit the most important tributary empires. Smaller tributary states will only receive the occasional visit of a frigate to remind them of who is in control.
“The weirdest thing I’ve ever seen was a fleet of 5 Maritime Guard river monitors forming a line of battle against what was basically an armada of roman trireme.”
I haven’t done a character line up in forever it feels like, and it’s funny because I used to do them all the time?? I need to finish up inking it so I can move on to color tho!
@Leyelle I love the color combo! I think pinky reds and violet look so good, I tend use variations of it too like vermillion and lilac!
@EncryptedWriting I like that your character is tall! Or taller for a girl, I usually see a lot of shorter girl characters (I do this too) but it’s cool to get taller girl characters too!
@Leyelle They’re OCs for a forgotten webcomic I tried doing it a few times but I only ever did sketches and a cover page.
Is she albino? I have one character like that too, I’m never sure how dark/light to make her complexion, and I guess it changes with whatever lighting conditions she might be in. When I make darker backgrounds I tend to make the characters skintone darker, and in lighter conditions brighten the skin, but because of the contrast they end up looking like the same skin tone? Crazy how color theory works. It’s fun tho xD
I did a sketch for Alex’s outfit for one of the future chapters to try and narrow down a design.
If this looks anachronistic for my comic, it’s because it is. I tried to achieve a “high speed-low-drag operator” look through methods and material that would have been available in the 1900s. I don’t know if I succeeded but I still have a lot of time to perfect the design.
My mom lied to me and said that today was st. Patrick’s day so I drew Mev and Ian’s equivalent holiday “Leaf day” I’m not sure whether Mev made it up as an excuse to pinch Ian or not. A day early, but who cares.
Also, while in my comic Ian tells Mev that he “works at the castle” he never said what his “job” was there. I imagine that she would ask him at some point. To which he would reply “Librarian” because he practically lives in the library anyway. He is pretty much the librarian lol. The word librarian even has “Ian” in it 🤯 (For those who don’t know, he’s technically not the librarian he’s the prince)
Also the weird spot at the bottom of the page had spoiler content so I had to dispose of it 🧨
Aye, I imagine albino characters could be a little tricky. Do you have a picture of your albino OC I'd love to see her?
I only have two albino characters atm and Sarang isn't one of them. She's just got very fair hair and skin. Her hair will most likely get darker when she gets older since both her parents have dark hair. Texas has albinism, but her hair is dyed blue, so there are no contrast issues there (plus her hair is naturally brown, it's very rare, but some people with albinism have dark hair and eyes, but no pigment in their skin.)
And then there is Rubia. Her hair is blonde, rather than white, so the contrast is still visible.
she's SOOOOO cute. I love her
@Leyelle I do have something I was working on with her! Her name is Princess Eloise, and she’s gonna be in butter bee one of these days lol
And I didn’t realize Texas had albinism!! I just thought she was very pale lol. Albinism in itself is pretty rare so I feel like having dark hair with it would be just as likely for a character, I didn’t know that dark hair could be present but I see it’s like a type of albinism now that I’m looking it up.
Also Rubia is so cute and mini!!!
@ArtGremlin don’t worry I didn’t even realize it was Saint Patrick’s day until NOW and it’s almost over also what about an AU where Ian is actually a librarian??? lol I mean it works honestly?? I feel it’s a vibe.
Every time I draw him with his books I give them stupid titles. Here’s some more that were from this cool thing I made that was 95% comic spoilers so I can’t post most of it
Some of Ian’s other favorites include the diary of his ancestors (It’s a diary passed down from kings of the island. Ian isn’t actually supposed to read it but he steals it from his brother.) and also “A compiled history of the outside world” A book that Ian wrote/annotated himself. It’s a stupidly massive book like probably weighs the same as 6 gallons of milk? It’s like 6 inches thick and 18 wide. He started making it when he was 14 and has been hauling it around ever since.
I like her design. It's very bold and recognizable. Are her earrings dragonflies?
Yeah, for some reason I have two (very) short queens with albinism. Fortunately they look very different in every other way so hopefully no one will compare them (fingers crossed.) When I first designed Texas it wasn't canon that she had albinism, then my editor asked about it, and I realized that she probably did, so I did some research and realized it was possible for her to have albinism while still having dark hair like this baby: