14800 / 18921
Mar 2023

@VibrantFox your sketches have so much character! Love seeing Sonic, SpongeBob, and the lil among us guys in your style!

@Lensing dang, Julia! Go get it! Drawing kissing is tough. I feel like I always overthink it (overthinking was also probably a reason why my first several kisses were so awkward too :joy:)

@bunny that outfit, those colors, and that hair… are magic.

@Kelheor love seeing a return to the big hair, big shoes, big shoulder pads, big coats, and guns genre. If I see avatar sunglasses, a toothpick in the mouth, and rolled up sleeves on a blazer I will have to subscribe to your patreon

@LCT_m_a_d I don’t think I saw the progress of your new piece here (Pretty sure it was the Instagrams) but DANG the new comp is awesome! Those angles and drama are phenomenal (and still very, very happy to see the sax in there).

@candiedcotton never told you how much I love your pen name (and the origin), but your presence here has been sweet as punch (the delightful red drink that comes with it’s own ladle)

One day I’ll have something to offer that’s not just work on the comic… and one day my comic won’t just be a series of warmup sketches :joy:

@Kelheor baby steps :blusht:
Edit: Rest well! An artist's hands are precious :cry_01:

@DanielRKM your words are magic! Boosting this lil ego of mine :cry_01:

@aqua03 this is looking really good

@Kelheor this lineart is crispy clean!

@DanielRKM Thanks. Hopefully I can fix the face and contrast.
Also Love seeing your comic stuff! Really great characters and awesome presence.

I'm starting to see that once my drawing gets to this point, it's reached the end of the compositional phase but serve as a rough sketch. I need to take a lot more time reworking everything to make it more structured and heavier impression, and less flowing before it. There's a chance I'll butcher this but I don't expect this experiment to workout really.

Well, between comic and comic, I found some time to make a Wonder Girl fan art =D
I don't know if you use this people, but the dingbats fonts are really useful sometimes! Go and google it if you don't know what they are n_~
I am just missing Superboy in my fan art gallery and I can making some Young Justice =P

I saw your posts about your upcoming comic and... I can't wait to see that :eyes:

@LCT_m_a_d I’m always impressed by your compositions and willingness to “butcher” them. I’m looking forward to what’s coming next.

@alliascompany I really, really love the imagery of Marian standing there, bound to the strings of a discarded controller. It’s such a striking idea.

@Aleksei Yah DC fan art! Great rendition of Wonder Girl! I really like the motion in the clothing/piece.

@KennethLopezJr921 my god. So little (and still with abs like that!).

@bulgariansumo great sketches! You really hit a great balance between the compositions/angles with the character emotions. Congrats in advance on the milestone!

In the age of COVID, I feel like the excessive use of snot and spittle is perhaps the most dangerous thing I have ever drawn.