17220 / 18916
Nov 2023

Some panels from a short oneshot. Still trying to nail down a design for one of the characters.

Oop drama
Tied up elf kicks a fish man whilst a fancy compass man threatens someone uh

Riley method study sketches.
The Riley method feels like a missing puzzle piece for figure drawing,
I kind of regret that I didn´t learn and practice this earlier in my life but
on the other hand I wouldn´t have unterstood the method not long ago.

And a quick face sketch

I´m at 10 sets of 45 pushups now, yeah

From figure drawing to sketch. The original poses never really work when I try to
use them for my characters

Trying some things on this one. Like adding a white border to the panels (it isn't as quick as I thought, but its quite easy once I thought about it); Also played with some buildings for the background -also, did you know that the little house on top of buildings are called bulkheads? and that they are pretty hard to find 3D models, so I did my own on sketchup; The last panel I tried to don't think much and just do what I see on western comic, and I think I advanced a bit? I will see if I can go into that direction for my next page redo.
Original page was Young All-Stars v1 #8, page 08.

Galactiquest is far from being horror, but I read a horror manga yesterday that inspired me to adapt some dialogue from it into comic form. It's been a minute since I've paneled stuff so I hope the text flows well.

Pencil sketch, I´ll do a study of that pose today and will see how much I can
exaggerate the pose to make it fit to my style

I´m really looking forward to January, we´ll make a 2x8 hours figure drawing
event with my illustrator club

Mfw realizing there‘s only 5 1/2 weeks remaining in 2023

Hello everyone! Nice to meet you all, love your sketches. I'm trying to get back to fanarts so here I have Angel and Aki :blush:

Today's ep illustration gave me a hard time, but it's quite cool though :wink:

@Sukaykodraws welcome!!!

@Mansi_Gu holy hot damn! The struggle was well worth it! Beautiful design and rendering!

@llobucervallince my god, that is a mood!

Someone’s getting pumped for the feast tomorrow… her eye’s a bit droopy/bulgy, but I can fix that later.

Riley method studies and figure drawing sketches

So I have bought another couple of books, and so that means binge practicing!!!
One of the books its this beautifl thing, 'how to draw Noir comics', by Shawn Martinbrough. I think that its very much like 'Framed Ink', but it has some nice advice anyway, and after reading a bit I practiced, the results below!

First I tried a face, then I tried more brushes, then I went for a more known face, to see if I could do his likeness, and then I got to the how to do full scenes chapter, and drawed a lot of things just for fun.

And I still have to got to the action, the drama, and covers chapters!!!
I am having so much fun with this n_n

And also I practice in traditional some faces here and there. Maybe next time I will show a collage of those.

Anyone who wants to learn a bit more of inking, and/or noir, recommended book!

Montgomery sketch, with and without jacket.
I used the Riley method to draw him and it makes
drawing characters incredibly easy and fast, I´m glad
I learned it

@Aleksei hot damn, thats'a solid endorsement for that book! I might have to hop on that. Looking gorgeous over there!

@Lensing your power is growing!!!

Today's warm-up was branding my wife and mother-in-law's stained glass/watercolor business venture. I feel like a ghostwriter making the logo but not being part of the collab.

It's been so long since I've posted in this thread. It's good to see everyone's art again.
I'm getting back into drawing some Candy Crew characters again.

It looks great and very stylish, I love the colors.

My power is growing so slowly and I feel like a very slow learner, it´s just
so much to learn and train :smiley:

Thank you for the kind words and comments everyone! My grandpa is okay, and it wasn’t even a tumor but some weird fleshy stuff that the doctors snipped out (grandpa has some cyborg hardware and thus can’t get a lot of the usual diagnostic scans that would’ve identified it more accurately). He’s recovering at home and my grandma is taking photos of herself posing like Rosie the Riveter, now that she has to do everything around the house :smiley:

@DanielRKM I love the limited palette! The soft(er) teal really compliments the bright red and the yellow.

I’m still waiting on responses from some people (and I probably won’t hear from them for a while), but I did a mock-up of a cover for a possible sequel if someone likes my first volume!

Sketch for my comic using the Riley method, I drew the figure very loosely and fast to see if
it works. I think it did, I like the pose

Thank you! And good news about your grandpa! Cyborg Grandpas can be pretty tricky.
Loving your cover and wishing you all the best!

Upcoming comic character
My brother named him Jerry Finestine.
Actually my brother randomly said the name Jerry Finestine and I stole it.

I'm fretting about the negative space here (and yes yes I know "they are the same picture" meme - I promise you one side is just a liiiiiitle smaller...)

I'm leaning to the smaller one because the bigger one feels just a tad more overwhelming...? But there is more focus on the MC in the bigger one...

I personnally like the bigger one more, we feel more involved and closer to the scene emotionnally without making the bg less legible. Also "hope" is bigger too so that feels symbolic.

Baking some short comic specials :wink: (this is the first of five - God bless my hands lol)

Hey folks, I want to see if this is clear enough and this is a complete page. Does it look like a sandstorm being caught in a hand?

Please let me know.