18140 / 18921
Apr 2024

I personally don't have much of an issue with PS myself. Though I did come close to abandoning it a couple years back when switching PC forced me to switch from PS 2018 to PS 2023.

Had I not been able to rework the program to my liking, I would have been a full on CSP user by now.

Then again, I'll never be able to fully move away from PS as I'll always need it professionally.

Morning warm up.
I´m playing a festival show tomorrow with a band that I joined.
We practiced once unplugged in an office 2 month ago

So, I am doing a fan comic from some old DC characters, and I am preparing this big scene, and I just realized that this is the first time I draw Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman -even if they are in cameo form. I don't feel worthy of drawing them yet, really, it feels weird xd.

Finally finished chapter 8 sheesh
Unintentional hiatus

Anyone else having issues uploading or adding files? I can't upload the chapter, been trying all day. :frowning: