13486 / 13900
Feb 2023

first two are always a nightmare unless i've filled up on red meats or stuff with iron. honestly just dread it.

my new baby finally came and i'm super super happy! it doesn't have a disc drive tho so i've been improvising with program installations during the setup process (honestly feel lucky to have fam that knows comp stuff) Ah but I'm absolutely kind of flailing around trying to remember things that should be simple like file types and default programs or how to get the little icon to not be an icon but an image preview (been fighting it since yesterday to try n remember)

but ahhhhh the minute it arrived i wound up turning into a giddy idiot trying to be normal as the delivery guy handed it off and after shutting the door all i could do was hug it in my arms smiling. it's very cute and i'm nicknaming it after one of my fave fictional ai's :cry_01:

but hopefully i can get all my setup stuff done within these next few days and jump right back into my workflow and finally get some real productivity going :persevere:

@VibrantFox in "baby" I'm figuring you're referring to a new laptop? Lol...congrats- I know you been talking about wanting a new one for a while.

Welp, trying to move out of this hell apartment. We found a bigger place that can accommodate(for the time being)- it's a 4BR, but we're gonna turn one of the BRs into an office area. Fam will mainly mostly use the space Mon-Fri in the daytime coz they work from home, while I'll slide in during the evenings/nights and on weekends to do my art & comics stuffs. Just waiting on the final word from the owner/manager...only part that sucks is it's gonna be MORE MONEY(coz the housing/rental market is artificially inflated); gonna be paying about $300 more than what I'm currently paying, but I'll deal with it if it means getting out of this [possibly/most likely] mold infested apartment.

Add this situation with the $$$ I've already put towards 2 con shows, and it adds up. I'm hoping this year will "be my year" as far as cons go; I need some positivity in this area to push me forward...

yeah and it's been at least one weight lifted

but housing costs for renting/ownling have been insane and the artificial inflation stuffs a pain but i'm hoping for the best for your situation!

Yeah my laptop that I got back at Black Friday doesnt have a disc drive either; I bought an external one and plugged it in. Been mainly installing stuffs via USB sticks(transferred from my old laptop) or downloading newer versions from online.

If I can get this docking station component working the way I need it, then my setup will be complete...just recently sliced a stylus grip that I previously used for my Apple pencil(got a new holder for it) and put it on my Huion stylus to give me even MORE of a cushioned grip.

yeah we wound up doing the usb thing transferring stuff from their discs to an external drive and working it from there especially for softwares that don't have legacy downloads on their website but if it does come down to it i can get an external disc drive later on. my main thing now is fudging out stuff like fixing mdp icons to show as image thumbnails like they did on my old laptop i'm just clueless on how to get it to work on win11 versus win10

i hope the setup turns out how you like tho! i havent got the space for much but i have been contemplating whether i wanna turn the old one into a second monitor or something but i figure it's worries for another day. getting pen grips does seem like a really good idea tho :thinking:

If it could work the way I need it the docking station should allow me to have the same image(my laptop images) on all 3 screens- my laptop, my monitor, and my tablet screen; right now I can only get the same screen on my laptop and my tablet(the monitor screen just shows my wallpaper image coz it's an extension device)...also, I would be able to close my laptop and still be able to get said images on my monitor and tablet screen.

Started back coloring on the Clique pages(yay)...totally forgot about the time change, and now I'm sliding in bed later than I intended; the current page I'm coloring on now is the last one I had prepped from last year- once I've finished that one I gotta prep(pencil & ink gap fill-ins) more pages. Trying to aim for prepping at least 6-10 this week...the book is 24 pages and so far I had 9 done.

I've been starting up action stuff in my comic lately. Parody action, which just means silly gags and and nonsequiter bad guys to punch out, which is basically a practice in learning to draw action in itself. Drawing in monochrome and switching to a 3-days-a-week schedule (from colored 1 page a week) has been nice because its just new drawing after new drawing, instead of being hung up on the same page polishing and polishing and polishing.

Which brings me to say, I constantly remind myself that it's okay if your action shots look a little janky--The readers will appreciate the action happening in your comic regardless. One Punch Man became a successful webcomic and it's widely regarded as poorly drawn. So, I might just keep drawing janky if it means a more exciting comic.

Finished the 1st stage of page prep- got five formatted; just gotta pencil & ink in the gaps, then the pages are ready to color! Gonna try to pencil and ink those by Wednesday, then format 5 more pages...then I'll start coloring the pages this coming weekend.

Finished coloring the last prepped page I was working on from yesterday; if I can keep this up, I should be done with this book by the beginning of April..!


i've been messing around seeing what the new lappy can handle (it's very good but i guess after working with a dud everything is impressive) but after a test timelapse with medibang since they have the feature and plugging that some music and the final piece into openshot (free video editor i found online) i made a diddlydang speedpaint :hype_01:

just did a test post to twitter in circles and it looks okay audio and video quality is good and i'm literally freaking out albeit internally but ohmigosh :blusht:

I’ve been busy again but just caught up with this thread. I’m so glad that I finished production of my latest webtoon episode. The process I use to manually color in lighting effects took several hours and hurt my hands at times and a method that could be more efficient finally crossed my mind… when I was near the end of that step! :weary:

For the next episode I should try that method and see how much time it saves me. :thinking:

Those must be what they call symphatic citizens with real problems. i hardly see any, only walk around their golf courses for kilometers.

Thought obtaining a tax ID number for Awesome Con was going to be time consuming & cost some $$$- but a con peer told me where to go; got my tax ID number in 10 minutes and it was FREE.

Other than completing my projects, the only other obstacle now is to book the hotel room.

Currently trying to pay down a balance on my credit card, waiting on the feedback about the house, and trying to juggle time between work and art. :weary:

Now that I've gotten more than 8 hrs of sleep...it's time to start working on comic stuffs today..!

UPDATE: Been spending the evening touching up my Asajj Ventress piece that I did back in 2020...the goal is to turn it into a print; I think I'm done, and it is ready.

So...did the Clip Studio 2.0 thing. Upgraded, which only cost me like $40...something about getting an update pass to update every year or at the end of 3 yrs.

I'll wait it out and see what these "update passes" entail.

Curious to see what I can do with the 3-D face option; not so eager to use my webcam for the hand scanning 3-D tool...it looks fun but I'm wondering: "Is this being recorded? Does it become some type of proprietary property of Celsys to own for some AI shit?"

The auto shading tool/option looks kind of crappy; hopefully it gets better with updates.

I'm glad they are doing some progress on CSP's text/lettering capabilities; it now allows fonts with auto ligatures, and does text wrap...I still most likely wont be using it for lettering though- Adobe Illustrator is still light years ahead(and I'm only still using CS5).

Just wanted to say for the folks that are here and not on the discord...
We are almost done with our comic. Almost 5 years and only 17updates to go.

Sent the Asajj Ventress piece off for print- only issue is RA Comics has this janky thing going on when you try to attach your file to the order request so I had to upload it through another avenue of theirs...just awaiting confirmation that they got the file.

Hasn't even been printed yet and I'm eager to get the printed finish.

UPDATE: Got word from the printer- they got my file. I'm good...at first I kinda cringed at my work but after putting the file away for a couple years and then pulling it out & touching it up, I like the piece.

Yesterday was one of those days where I just really did not feel like doing anything day gig related(I think I'm subconsciously politicking for the 4-day work week); today I feel a little better in trying to get things done...

I'm over here low key freaking out about having 15 pages left to do on Clique #4, but if I pace myself right I should be okay...all I have to do is complete the pages in increments of 5 pages per batch; I can knock out 5 pages in about a week and a half.