13506 / 13900
Mar 2023

2/3 through reading "Thinner" Definitely one of my favorite Stephen King novels so far.

I really need to start doing art shows regularly, mostly for the morale of those that see's the potential in my making artwork.

Fortunately, the notes on my art during my brief peak last year and critical things I should identify in my newer pieces are starting feel more specific, which is really motivating me to trust my rhythm and spontaneity.

I think I can do much better work this year, now that I'm a little more organized and experienced.
Even if I can't, being able to do 1 or 2 impactful works this year, and having an intuition for what communicates well, will be a promising moment of truth for me.

@angie_draws_things gosh I love Pickles xD
"I am dark, brutal and filled with hatred" is like half of my personality at this point :joy:
Also I recently half-named a character after Skwisgaar lol

@LCT_m_a_d how many art shows have you participated in already? :grinning: I am most sure this year will be yours, even from my place I can see you gaining the experience needed for progress in this field :grin:

After doing much of nothing this past weekend(coz tired and doctor's appointment), I'm going to try to get back to work on these pages this week. I want to do something tonight, but I'll see how I feel.

Started looking at hotels for the DC show and while I'm a little disgusted at the money I'll have to shell out for a room, if I can get the right hotel I can do a little sight seeing in DC while I'm there...I need to ask my peer about some eating joints there- I don't wanna waste time running around trying figure out what I want to eat when the show is over for the day.

Also- STILL waiting on feedback about the house. :weary:

Beware accidentally clicking a link to a YouTube video that no longer exists. You WILL crash your browser. Don't ask how I know.

I've only done the 3 so far from last year. Applied for my first one this year. Hopefully the second half of this year will be more promising, between possibly figuring out what I keep missing, and having somewhat of reason to share my art.

P.O.V. You're adding cinnamon to a dish and the spoon side of the lid pops open:


Full piece if interested

Welp secured the room for my DC trip- looks nice, and hopefully doesnt cost me too much. The only things left to do is make sure my car is good to make the trip, and make sure I have the stock(comics); I also picked up a new carry cart- this thing is almost as big as a small loveseat sofa and has nice BIG, rugged wheels on it(my other dolly is starting to go to crap coz of the weight of the comics & print totes).

Still working on the comic and prints; I should have everything done on schedule...

Excited about my work in progress.
I can't say it's my best work and I don't expect it to be since I'm, but I think my mid-drawing critical notes are very strong, and if this next piece

I mainly compared my best works (most engagement) to my worst pieces in terms of audience responses/engagement to determine what critical mistakes I've been making and bad habits I can correct in my art.
It's not a perfect system, but I think it will help with inconsistency and identifying areas I should improve on. Fortunately most of these things I can relate back to my college days of making art so I feel a little bit grounded and rooted. Maybe the softer critiques that I get now can actually serve on top of something constructive.

Also I'm going to find out next week if I got into the art show. Too bad my portfolio didn't have any new pieces made based on these critical notes. However, if I get into the show AND my newest drawing receives good audience engagement close to my peak last year, I'm going to be super motivated about continuing professional art shows.

My brother kept pushing my buttons at lunch so I threw an apple at his head. Feel a little bad but he was asking for it. You know it's bad when Mam takes my side in that exchange.

You ever just have a good idea for a novel or a uh type of story, you try and go through with it and just see something else you like and wanna add something similar to that thing you liked but your story doesn't allow that and you just start going to work on a new story or som, I need to know im not alone with this :sob:

Finished filling in the remastered pencil & inks for the 5 formatted pages...since it's late, I'll start colors tomorrow. Gonna wrap up some ACNH & call it a night. Got 10 pages left- if I make work with colors this week and keep on pace I still should be able to finish the comic by the end of April/beginning of May.

In other news, I have a person hitting me up for some extended design work. I'm gonna keep it simple, coz I don't have [a lot of] time to devote to it(and the monies most likely aint going to be much).

Back to coloring on Clique pages; coloring out of sequence though. About 80% done with the current page...will finish up tomorrow night. Took a minute to get started coz I had to watch these movies I rented yesterday(had to have them back at the rental kiosk before 9 PM).

This weather has been crazy this weekend...was hot yesterday then got really cool last night. Was kinda cool today but has warmed up a bit this evening.