20 / 26
Aug 2021

Just to draw this stupid unfunny jokes (which I'm sure people may not get it), I read things about wine and wine glasses.

But then on the taste description, I stumbled upon this chart that might be useful for writers to describe taste.

Hidden because I'm not really confident of this drawing anymore

See this guy's sword? As he is a surviving older character getting developed, some of the edgelord points of my preteen years are preserved in many aspects. His sword's blade are made of charcoal and blood from dead bodies. It supposed to have a property of carbon steel (get it?).

However, charcoal from animals (such as bone charcoal) are less pure in C than those from vegetable source. Bone char is at most 10% C, while the vegetable one is
can be in the range of 90%. I still need more research on how to improve the purity of carbon obtained from the scorched human bodies, or extract them, as I'm bad researching at such things. Or I just need to say it's 'magic' and go with it. Also he probably needs the blood of around 450–500 humans for that sword around.

I didn't expect to be researching actual cake/ pastry recipes :joy: It totally ruined my plans to start my diet after a year-long quarantine. :sob:

Hopefully, I can get back on track after uploading all the relevant chapters :sweat_smile:

Some of the more esoteric stuff I definitely expected going in, but what really caught me by surprise was needing a detailed description of what it feels like to be hanged by the neck :sweat_smile: That was fun...

Once my internet history looked shady af. I researched about airport security, how to smuggle drugs, which part of the airport that they can get drug smuggler, airport dogs, and types of prison 🤣

Not as serial-killer as the rest of these replies, but I never expected to spend 30 minutes searching for variations that gave little red riding hood a first name

Y’know? I must say, I never expected that I would have to research what would happen to the Earth if the moon were to disappear (long story short, nothing good).

I’ve also had to look up the difference between sirens and harpies, different types of pistols, and what catacombs are (I had an idea, I just wanted to be sure).

Shady things yeah, like various ways for killing people with a bladed weapon, torture devices from the middle-age and bomb making...
Also how carnivorous plants work and weird insects and animals skills. I grew quite fond of treehoppers and sea slugs because of this.

Age of conscent in the Holy Roman Empire :sweat_smile:

PS: Obviously there is no such thing as age of conscent in the Holy Roman Empire, but boys were generaly considered adults by the age of 15, so there's that

Scottish stone circles
Isle of Skye monsters
Viking courtship traditions
Thigh high neon green boots
Swan noises
Types of seal
Seals that look like people

Mine are great
which is better cloaca or anus?
Can you eat cattails?
How strong are bones?
Most annoying noise in nature
What happens when you eat estrogen?
The layout of men and women
I would say more but at this point I feel like I'm making as much sense as daddyUnion's and Jschlatt's blessed child

Uh...well I had to search up on disembowelment for artsy purposes...like the pose and stuff, how it works and...well it was enlightening. Eh.

I had to look into stuff all the way from the size of the observable universe and the speed of light, all the way into the structure of single-celled organisms. don't ask, lmao

My highlights are

  • Lots of things around illegal drug use, how to inject, where to buy etc.
  • Neo-Palladian architecture
  • Expensive clothes items (some watches cost more than houses :fearful:)

The following (in no order):

  • Ancient Egyptian Torture Methods
  • Beg Bugs > Traumatic Insemination (do yourself a favor and skip this) > the Rabbit Hole of Reproduction
  • Language of Flowers
  • Volcanic Eruptions and Hydrodynamics
  • Math

Just a few of the things I had to look up the last few weeks

Aztec ritual sacrifices
The stages of a body's decomposition
A history of voodoo in the United States
The psychology and behavior of a narcissist
Undead creatures in various mythologies

My internet history is getting really weird :grimacing:

For THE SOUL COLLECTORS, I read DANTE'S INFERNO, Auguries of Innocence and FAUSTUS. These works are all referenced in SC.

The entire process and timeline of getting a pilots license… very technical and confusing lol, and I didn’t even use half of the info

Also a lot of “would you die if” scenarios

For me, it was searching through survival forums for best strategy in case of lack of both electricity and water in a city : D

things that I actually didnt expect to research for Die Instrumente Gottes:
- Armenian Genocide (and Armenian history in general)
- Stone Age agriculture (focusing on ploughs)
- Kenites
- Romani history and culture (got surprised for the ammount of caló I use in my colloquial Spanish and I didnt know)
- Deepening on Theology and Philosophy (my head is about to explode)

I knew I'd research gods, but I stumbled across merger gods like Hermnubis (a mixture of hermes and anubis a small cult on one of the egypt greek/roman boarders) and a few others. I also got really deep into dead languages (randomly decided to add it in one day it worked really well). These facts haven't come into play quite yet, but will soon if you want to check out my comic/novel.



Pop Comic:

Novel (Tapas):

Novel (Royal Road):

Novel (Inkitt):