6 / 6
Aug 2024

Don't know why, but I've been hella struggling to get my panels completed/rendered on time every Saturday and having to push back several uploads. Even with my buffer, I'm having to go and edit/render a forgotten panel or two and I'm worried I will fare worse once that is used up in a couple weeks.
This unfortunately has been going on since this year started due to a mix of burnout, inability to draw some things(ahem, humans), too many panels per ep and life interruptions. And the 4-month hiatus hasn't helped -- my art quality's gotten a little worse, in my opinion, not better. And I'm tired of having to apologize to my readers due to my lack of time management and OCD. It's a bad pattern.

Bottom line, I been thinking of switching to a 9-day(Saturdays and next-week Wednesdays) or biweekly Saturday sched at the worst, not forever possibly, but until I can get back into my proper weekly pace. You'll get longer eps as a benefit, just less frequent...and there's other projects I'd like to focus on too.

Any readers/creators have any thoughts on this, before I go through with it? Or any advice for a struggling creator?

  • created

    Aug '24
  • last reply

    Aug '24
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I went from weekly uploads to biweekly for a while. It helped a lot, I've even considered doing it again. Makes everything more manageable. I say give it a try and see how you feel

Just keep your audience in the loop of your plans. Don't leave them wondering.

I might not be a good example of maintaining a schedule, but I favor a slower upload schedule.

If you're really suffering this badly by trying to keep pace, with declining quality, I would absolutely slow my pace.

Here's the thing, you're doing this for free, as a hobby more than anything! As such, there's no need to break your back over this.

If people have a problem with you taking your time for your own wellbeing, then fuck them. They do not have your best interest at heart and only want their free content. They're not fans.

Yep, I came to that understanding, finally. I think slowing it down will do wonders for my mental health and art too.

Whatever works best for you. I intend to go on hiatus once my story reaches a certain amount of chapters in order to revamp my art, unless I end up behind schedule before that.