So, do you fault anyone who uses AI to write their books?
Is it okay for me to upload every single book you've written into an AI?
It would mean I could release multiple chapters a week. Dozens and dozens of books of these same series.
I could even upload them all to Amazon marketplace. Right next to your book.
People could see my book and think it looks close enough to your book that they buy mine instead.
Since I can pump out dozens of these books in a day, soon people won't even see your book until they scroll to page 10000.
If you allow AI, then what's to stop the next guy from doing the same thing? Any time you start to have the slightest success with a book, they can also release dozens and dozens of these look-alike books in 1 day.
Some authors who sell their books online have already been harmed by this if you look it up.
Just because something is a technological innovation doesn't mean you have to roll over and accept it. I could invent the next self-driving bulldozer to bulldoze your house and would you accept our new self-driving bulldozer overlords because it's the next phase of technology?
Will you not "fault" me for using a new technological tool to take all the money from your bank account because I'm "also struggling to make a living"?
If all you care about is your own convenience and you think using an "AI art generator to get exactly what I want and be free and clear to use it", you're still leaving yourself open to copyright claims.
Unless you can provide which images you fed into the AI, to prove that the images were sourced ethically, you open yourself to being called out by any artist with a following that can stain your reputation and down-rate your books. Years of your hard work down the drain because no one can trust that any of your work is your own.
If all you care about is cost, you could still be stuck paying an exorbitant amount of money for an image you can't use and potential lawsuits because AI generated material doesn't fall under copyright protection.
If using AI is just as risky and inconvenient as finding a person, what is the real reason you keep pushing for AI as something that can't be denied? Why start an argument with people who weren't even mentioning you specifically, and were just sharing their own opinions on AI?
It comes across as you wanting to be free to steal art / writing, you don't want people to make it a hassle for you, you only care if it's easy for you to do so, without the consequences of a ruined reputation and lawsuits that come with it.