Hi all, I've tried to do a charity event previously on here with little success. I want to try again as I didn't really start this hobby to make money and with the tipping function, it gives me a chance to try and use my art to make a difference by donating to charity. I've always wanted to support charities but having anxiety stops me from attending events, so using my art to accrue funding would be great for me. I think sending the money off to charity would be better than expanding on my action figure collection, which is where it would go anyway lol.

So I'd like to pledge my Tapastic tips to an LGBT homeless charity, the Albert Kennedy Trust4. Any support would be appreciated. I don't want to simply end it there, so any ideas of how we could raise money for good causes through our webcomics would be welcome replies to this thread. Thanks for reading.

  • created

    Mar '17
  • last reply

    May '17
  • 1


  • 1.4k


  • 2


  • 1


  • 3


2 months later

So, I spend almost 2 months. Almost. 2 month. Just watching ad and waiting patiently, logging every couple of hours and so just so I can get 10.000 coins to tip you, which is yesterday I finally managed to get enough to complete the 10.000 coins landmark.

And you just decided to not give me, your reader who have supporting you patiently any clue on why you leave.

You just leave. Just like that.

Why do I even bother to trying so hard to support you by tipping in the first place? I should just use the coins [10.000 coins of them] to treat myself to some premium stuff.

So long, thank you for the comic. It was nice and fun. It was.